Colorful Indonesian Culture Captivates Jakarta Through Sabang-Merauke

The Sabang-Merauke Festival (MI/Meilani Teniwut)

THE spotlights of the stage illuminate hundreds of dancers who nimbly perform regional dances from all over the archipelago. The strains of gamelan music blend harmoniously with modern orchestral accompaniment, creating a lively and spirited atmosphere. That is a brief description of the Sabang-Merauke The Indonesia Broadway performance that was just held in Jakarta.

For four hours, the audience is taken on a tour of Indonesia through stunning music, dance and theatre performances.

The spectacular show was held at the JIExpo Theatre, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on August 17-18, 2024. Carrying the theme “Pahlawan Nusantara,” this performance featured 657 artists from various art disciplines, including music, dance, theater, and orchestra.

This performance not only celebrates arts and culture from all corners of Indonesia, but also serves as a moment to commemorate the month of independence and remember the brotherhood from Sabang to Merauke.

Director Rusmedie Agus, who is familiarly called Memet, said, “August is the right time to commemorate Indonesia’s independence day. This year, we want to remember our brotherhood from Sabang to Merauke, celebrate diversity, and get to know our heroes.”

BCA Director Antonius Widodo Mulyono added, “This performance combines all arts, from regional dance to contemporary music. This is an extraordinary collaboration that showcases Indonesian culture from Sabang to Merauke. Indonesia is extraordinary in terms of cultural heritage. We can witness the diversity of Indonesia here.”

Also read: Sabang Merauke Performance, The Indonesian Broadway, Holds Dancer Auditions

The show also received praise from the audience. Sarah, one of the audience, said, “This show gave me goosebumps and awe. For three hours, my eyes and ears were spoiled with a total performance in terms of set properties, wardrobe, music, and audio visuals. Even at the end of the show, the energy of the players was even more intense and lively. This show made me feel emotional and realized how beautiful and diverse Indonesian culture is. We must preserve it.”

One of the most memorable moments was when Alsant Nababan performed the song Sio Mama. This emotional performance made some of the audience visibly moved, some even cried.

The song, with its touching lyrics and accompanied by a profound performance, managed to touch the hearts of many, adding to the emotional power of the entire performance.

Also read: Nusantara Dance Pukau in Gugur Gunung Tri Kala

The event began with the national anthem Indonesia Raya performed by Alicia Hartono.

In Scene 1, the audience was treated to a performance from Aceh, where Yuyun Arfah and Nino Prabowo performed the song Keuthidhing accompanied by the Batavia Madrigal Singers (BMS).

Popular musicians such as Yura Yunita and Isyana Sarasvati also gave special performances by singing several regional songs.

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Yura Yunita performed songs such as Lancang Kuning, Bandung, Walang Kekek, and Aku Papua.

CEO & President Director of iForte added, “Isyana was involved last year and is a perfect fit here. Yura also wanted to join last year, but was only able to join this year because of her busy schedule.”

With the success of the Sabang-Merauke: The Indonesia Broadway performance, it proves that Indonesia’s cultural richness is a priceless gift.

This show is not only entertaining but also inspires us to continue to preserve and develop Nusantara art and culture. Hopefully the spirit of unity depicted in this performance can continue to inspire the younger generation. (Z-1)

#Colorful #Indonesian #Culture #Captivates #Jakarta #SabangMerauke



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