Colorful celebration – Yucatan Diary

Moscow has launched an India Day fair as part of its celebrations of the culture during the commemoration of India’s Independence Day on August 15.

The celebrations for the anniversary will last until the day after tomorrow, Sunday.

According to the website, Indian Independence Day has been celebrated in that country every August 15 since 1947.

It is considered a national holiday, an honour that few holidays in India share, and it celebrates the country’s independence from the British in 1947. It is a day that is celebrated because this independence was achieved with non-violent resistance and only civil disobedience, which led to a peaceful process.

India gained its independence after the well-known Independence Movement using non-violent resistance and civil disobedience led by the Indian National Congress party and headed by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, later named as Mahatma (Maha, great, and atma, soul) by the famous Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore.

On 15 August 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, hoisted the national flag over the Lahore Gate of the Red Fort in Delhi. Since then, every Indian Independence Day, the Prime Minister of the day performs the same flag-raising ceremony and delivers a speech.

Today, all states in India celebrate it, and it is one of the few festivals in India that extends throughout the country, without religious or linguistic boundaries.

On the eve of Indian Independence Day, the president gives a televised address to the entire nation. 21 shots are fired from the Red Fort in Delhi and the politician gives a speech.

Unlike other famous Indian festivals such as Dussehra, Holi or Diwali, Independence Day has no religious overtones and celebrates the unity of such a diverse country.

The Indian national anthem is sung and there is an army parade.

The celebration is similar throughout most of the country, with regional politicians and parades.

On the other hand, official buildings are decorated in special ways, sometimes with lights, kites are flown and flags are raised all over the country.

Despite being a public holiday, it is not the best day to visit Delhi, due to various security restrictions. The entire centre of Delhi is closed to traffic and there may be more checks. Airspace is also often affected, reports.

India’s relationship with Russia is close. Just last July, Russian President Vladimir Putin received Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an effort by both countries to strengthen their bilateral relations.

#Colorful #celebration #Yucatan #Diary
2024-08-27 12:13:15



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