Colonos: Life sentence for Michos – The mother of the 12-year-old girl and 17 other convicts are released from prison – 2024-04-03 16:25:20

The Joint Jury imposed a life sentence and several years more on the Elias Michocentral figure in the case of pimping the 12-year-old by Column.

Adopting the prosecutor’s proposal, judges and juries, by their unanimous decision, sentenced the 55-year-old, pre-merger, 41-year-old to life in prison as he was found guilty, without mitigating circumstances, for rape, abuse of a minor, pimping, pornography of a minor and possession of weapons and ammunition, (20 suspended).

The mother of the 12-year-old was sentenced to 20 months in prison as she was found guilty without mitigating circumstances of misdemeanor extortion. However, the release of the 38-year-old, according to lawyers, is considered a matter of time since it now depends on bureaucratic issues.

The second accused who was found guilty of prostitution of the child as well as pornography of a minor, the so-called “Michael“, was sentenced to 24 years, before the merger.

Rape and pimping of a 12-year-old girl in Colonos: 17 convicted are released
The recognition of the mitigating legal life sentence for those convicted as “clients” changed the facts in the sentences imposed on them which range from 3 to 7 years. The doors of the court are once once more closed to the public and journalists as the lawyers of the accused take the baton in order to give a “battle” to open the door of the prison, for their principals, all the way to the Court of Appeal.

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