Colon cancer: What treatments are available?

2024-07-22 16:14:21

After a diagnosis of colon cancer, scanner Allows us to assess the severity of the disease. This test will determine if there are metastases far away from the intestines, such as the liver or lungs.

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Surgery, the standard treatment for colon cancer

Regardless of the stage of the disease (except in some cases where metastasis is present), the tumor must be removed during surgery. Surgery. This is done under general anesthesia. Most of the time, the program is executed Laparoscopically. The surgeon makes several incisions in the abdomen to insert instruments, which can avoid leaving large scars. A Hospitalization Three to five days are necessary. Sometimes a colectomy (removal of part or all of the colon where the tumor is located) is needed.

“But some agencies are already starting to implement this kind of intervention flowing »commented Professor Pierre Michel, gastroenterologist at Rouen University Hospital and president of the French Federation of Gastroenterology.

removal of tumor and lymph nodes

During surgery, the surgeon Remove tumors and lymph nodes Located nearby. In fact, these may be invaded by cancer cells. In most cases, the intervention has no consequences for the patient.

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When the rectum is not touched, this type of surgery leaves few residual effects. Some patients may experience mild acceleration of transport. But above all, there is no need to insert a bag, assures Professor Pierre Michel, a gastroenterologist at the University Hospital of Rouen and president of the French Federation of Digestive Oncology.

Post-surgery surveillance to identify cancerous polyps

In the year after surgery,Liver condition Monitoring is done every three to four months via ultrasound or scanner. Then the exams are gradually spaced out. At the same time, a Colonoscopy The surgery is performed three years later to look for polyps, which are small tumors that may degenerate into cancer. If the results are reassuring, the colonoscopy will be repeated every five years.

Determine the stage of cancer to adapt treatment

Analysis of tissue collected during surgery will determine the stage of the disease and therefore its severity. colon cancer is Divided into four stages, From least serious to most concerning.

this Stage 1 or 2 cancer No treatment is required other than surgical intervention. patient meeting Under surveillance for five years In order to detect possible transfers in time.

In stages 1 and 2, the risk of metastasis is less than 10% to 15%. It is important to stress that chemotherapy does not reduce this risk. Professor Michel, gastroenterologist at Rouen University Hospital and president of the French Federation of Digestive Cancer

Chemotherapy is available from stage 3 onwards

this stadium 3 Corresponds to cancer that has reached one or more lymph nodes near the colon, while Stadium 4 Appearance of cancer corresponding to distant metastasis.

A Chemotherapy Only availableStarting from stage 3when cancer cells begin to spread outside the intestines.

In case of transfer

gold Stage 4 of the diseasein the presence of transferthis type of treatment can slow down evolution cancer. “In the absence of contraindications, treatment includes chemotherapy and, in some cases, combined with targeted therapy,” says the National Cancer Institute (Source 1).

In Professor Michel’s words, this is “time away from illness.” In some cases, and unfortunately rare cases, metastases located in the liver or lungs can be operated on. “We have gained more time to treat this disease, and some patients can even be cured,” the gastroenterologist noted.

Immunotherapy, hope for colorectal cancer treatment

Another treatment method,Immunotherapy (to stimulate the patient’s immune system) is only used in very specific situations.“Immunotherapy is effective in a very small number of colon cancers, that is, 10% to 15% of stage 1 to 3 cancers and 5% of stage 4 cancers,” Professor Michel said.

Specific clinical trials of immunotherapy MSI-H metastatic tumors (with microsatellite instability) also recently revealed exceptional results: “ Immunotherapy Nivolumab and ipilumab combined as first-line treatment for patients with microsatellite instability-high metastatic colorectal cancer Reduce risk of disease progression or death by 79% Compared with standard chemotherapy treatment” (Source 2).

Colon cancer: What are the chances of a cure?

this Survive person suffering from certain disease colorectal cancer Improved over time. According to the latest data from France’s public health authorities, “the equivalent of 63% 5 years after diagnosis persons diagnosed in 2010-2015” (Source 3). The 5-year survival rate decreases with age: “from 72% of patients diagnosed at age 50 to 57% of patients diagnosed at age 80 (2010-2015).” Therefore, it is important to detect the disease early Very important.

In the video: How is colon cancer treated?

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