Colomiers. Blood donation: Generosity rewarded –

Colomiers: A Tribute to Habitual Heroes in Blood Donation

Well, well, well! Isn’t it a refreshing surprise when a bunch of folks who routinely indulge in what most of us avoid at all costs—needles and blood—are celebrated? The French Blood Establishment (EFS) has clapped its hands together (presumably to shake off the occasional blood drop) to honor the selfless patrons of life, also known as blood donors. A special ceremony unfolded just a few days ago, *sans any vampires*, thanks to the diligent souls from the association of voluntary blood donors in Colomiers. Now, that’s a partnership that even a social media influencer would approve of!

Karine Traval-Michelet, the mayor of Colomiers, took to the stage, not in a superhero cape, but with the charm to lead a battalion! She emphasized the vital role of donors, stating, “This ceremony salutes the exceptional commitment of donors who extend a helping hand to those in need.” Who knew giving away a pint of your life source could be this glamorous—reminds me of those nights out where you think you’ve had too much, only you haven’t! It’s all about the altruism, my friends!

1,800 Donors in 2023: A Year of Generosity

Now, let’s dive a bit deeper into the numbers, shall we? In 2023, 1,800 noble souls (that’s right, *noble*—if you listen closely, you can almost hear the soundtrack of bravery playing) graced four columérine collections, including 160 brave newcomers. And during the diploma and medal presentation—because what’s a life-changing act without a bit of bling, really?—65 folks were recognized.

Do you know the criteria for the accolades? Oh, you’re going to love this! The *Bronze Award* is handed out to those who’ve donated at least 25 times—so that’s basically a blood bank regular! *Silver* is where it gets serious: women who’ve donated 45 times and men who’ve clocked in 75. Now, *Gold* is like the ‘pinnacle of drinking the Kool-Aid’—women who’ve given more than 60 and men with over 100 donations. That’s a level of commitment that could put even the most committed Netflix binger to shame!

We had Carine and Sébastien, who have been joining the blood donor brigade for a decade now. Sébastien exclaimed, “This recognition is a pleasure.” Now, if only I could get recognition for binge-watching a show without guilt! And let’s not forget Jean-Claude, the 50-year loyalist! At 18, his uncle didn’t take him out for a pint; no, it was a pint of blood instead! “It’s about motivating everyone to be a hero at their own level,” he says. Jean-Claude, you’ve succeeded—who knew blood could turn ordinary mortals into pint-sized heroes!

And let’s meet Nathalie, a committed member of the donor club for a whopping 10 years, with more than 114 donations under her belt! “I have been doing this civic act since I was 18, motivated by my parents,” she shares. Nathalie is clearly doing some serious work here, like the ultimate life coach for blood donation—three of her children are following in her virtuous footsteps, with two on the verge of receiving medals. If this isn’t the foundation for a superhero dynasty, I don’t know what is!

In conclusion, while donating blood might seem like a risk, especially if you’re planning on staying out until the sun comes up, the folks in Colomiers have taken a stand—*literally* and *figuratively*! The commitment of these individuals weaves a grand narrative of solidarity that can inspire us all. So, for anyone who’s ever thought, “I could donate but don’t fancy needles,” think again—become part of the remarkable family that values life in such a unique way.

Remember, the next time you see a donation drive, don’t run away screaming—who knows, you might just save a life with a small prick and score some shiny medals along the way!

Regularly and sincerely committed to blood donation, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) wanted to thank and congratulate the generous donors. A few days ago, a ceremony in their honor was held, organized by the association of voluntary blood donors of Colomiers. Following the partnership agreement signed between the city, the EFS and the Municipality’s Association of Volunteer Blood Donors, Colomiers is certified as a blood donation partner.

The graduation ceremony was held in the presence of Karine Traval-Michelet, mayor of the city and elected officials. “This ceremony salutes the exceptional commitment of donors who extend a helping hand to those in need,” underlines Karine Traval-Michelet. “It bears witness to their altruism and the generosity that drives them.”

A simple, civic and free gesture, it weaves the chain of solidarity.

1,800 donors in 2023

In 2023, 1,800 people showed generosity during the four columérine collections, including 160 new donors. 65 donors were rewarded during the presentation of diplomas and medals. Four levels of distinctions are identified. Bronze thanks people who have made at least 25 donations. Money, for women who have shown generosity more than 45 times and men more than 75 times. The gold distinction thanks the generosity of women for their more than 60 donations and men who gave more than 100 times.

Carine and Sébastien have been giving for 10 years. “This recognition is a pleasure,” says Sébastien. “We come regularly and are always well received.”

Jean-Claude has been giving for 50 years. “When I was 18, my uncle took me with him. That was the beginning,” he confides. “Then, I joined the collective, quite naturally. It’s about motivating everyone to be a hero at their own level.”

Nathalie, a member of the association for 10 years, has made more than 114 donations. “I have been doing this civic act since I was 18, motivated by my parents,” she says. “Three of my children are donors, two of whom will soon be medalists. It’s about being useful to others.” She received the exceptional distinction gold 1 palme.



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