Colombian man arrested for trafficking network in the Yucatan Peninsula; one of the most wanted in Mexico

Colombia.- Colombian authorities reported the arrest in Medellin of the Mexican Christopher Paulino Fernandez Viamontewho is one of the most wanted men in Mexico for the crime of human trafficking in the modality of sexual exploitationpolice reported on Wednesday.

How was Cristóbal Paulino Fernández Viamonte arrested?

Previously, the arrest was reported last Friday, July 5, by the General Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR) from Mexico, now the Colombian Police announced that Cristóbal Paulino Fernández Viamonte was arrested when he was leaving his “daily sports routine.”

The arrest, they say, was in a shopping mall from Medellin and is wanted by Mexico for the crimes of aggravated human trafficking and aggravated sexual exploitation, the Police detailed in a statement.

TO UNDERSTAND BETTER: This is how Paulino, leader of an international trafficking network, was arrested. He operated in Mérida and Cancún VIDEO

How did they recruit women in Colombia to prostitute them in Mexico?

The authorities They had been tracking him for more than 90 days because, according to the police, he was dedicated to recruit women from Medellin, Bogota and the department of Valle del Cauca, Many of them from “scarce resources or in situations of vulnerability”, to deceive and sexually exploit them.

“Likewise, it was learned that the members of the organization were given a economic incentive to attract women and subsequently convince them to travel as ladies-in-waiting y waitresses to Cancun and Merida in the state of Yucatan in Mexico“, the bulletin added.

Once they arrived in the North American country, They took them to safe houses in which They took away all their documents and then “they forced them to sign a contract” in which they “imposed a debt that was impossible to pay with expenses that were not agreed upon when they left Colombia in order to keep them enslaved.”

WE SUGGEST YOU READ: Interpol and FGR arrest criminal leader of international trafficking network in Yucatan

“Seeing these acts of infamy and degradation towards them, They were looking for a way to escape to the Mexican consulates or authorities to seek repatriation procedures and thus flee from the criminal networks of Christopher Paulino Fernandez Viamonte“, the police detailed.

Colombian man arrested for trafficking network in the Yucatan Peninsula; one of the most wanted in Mexico

The detainee, according to the police investigation, had been living in Medellin for more than four years and was posing as a “ostentatious businessman” who lived in a luxurious country house.

READ ALSO: Women were exploited in these nightclubs in Merida: Yucatan on the FGR trafficking route

Fernández was placed at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office pending his extradition to Mexico.

  1. Read the report “Yucatan on the route of human trafficking”:
  2. ‘Lexi’, infiltrated in a shelter for victims: traces of human trafficking in Yucatan
  3. Hijackers in the heart of Merida: human trafficking in Yucatan
  4. Human trafficking in Yucatan, an invisible network: anyone can be a victim
  5. Cases of human trafficking in the Yucatan Peninsula: heartbreaking testimonies

#Colombian #man #arrested #trafficking #network #Yucatan #Peninsula #wanted #Mexico
2024-07-21 08:56:59



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