Colombian Congressmen ask the UN to recognize Gonzalez as president

Colombian Congressmen ask the UN to recognize Gonzalez as president

More than 70 congressmen from different political parties in Colombia urged the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, to recognize Edmundo González as the “legitimate president of Venezuela” after the elections of July 28.

In their letter to Türk, congressmen from various political parties considered that recognizing González as the “legitimate president of Venezuela” is a “crucial action to reflect the true will of the Venezuelan people, clearly expressed at the polls on July 28.”

“Today, more than 70 Senators of the Republic and Representatives of the Republic have put ourselves on the right side of history, on the right side of democracy,” said Senator David Luna, of the Cambio Radical party.

They also expressed “their deep concern” about the democratic crisis facing Venezuela and asked the UN to “speak out against the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro.”

More signs

They said the Venezuelan government has “perpetuated a serious humanitarian crisis” and has also weakened fundamental democratic principles.

“It is imperative,” they said, “that the Venezuelan people have the freedom to choose their leaders without fear of coercion or oppression.”

Finally, the congressmen urged the UN to promote an orderly transition process that guarantees Maduro’s departure from power and respect for human rights in Venezuela.

“These are times to act firmly and ensure that the voice of the Venezuelan people is respected. Democracy in Latin America is at risk, and we cannot allow repressive and dictatorial actions to continue to advance,” the legislators concluded in their statement.

Big difference

This position is different from that adopted by the Colombian government, through its foreign minister, Luis Gilberto Murillo, who said that the Executive maintains its position as a country that builds bridges to achieve “fundamental solutions in Venezuela,” after the elections of July 28, in which the opposition claims victory over Nicolás Maduro.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva insisted on Saturday on the need to publish the electoral records “broken down by voting table” following the Supreme Court of Venezuela’s approval of Maduro’s victory, which they “took note of.”

New York / EFE

#Colombian #Congressmen #recognize #Gonzalez #president
2024-08-30 05:46:09



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