Colombian Congress Recognizes Edmundo González as Venezuela’s Newly Elected President

Colombian Congress Recognizes Edmundo González as Venezuela’s Newly Elected President
  • The proposal received 87 votes in favor and 24 against | Main photo: @CamaraColombia

The Colombian House of Representatives voted on Monday, September 16, in favor of recognizing Edmundo González as the president-elect of Venezuela following the elections of July 28.

The proposal was promoted by Congressman Andrés Forero of the Centro Democrático party and received 87 votes in favor and 24 against. The measure aims to have Gustavo Petro, president of Colombia, reject the results of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) that declared Nicolás Maduro the winner and recognize González as the president-elect for the period 2025-2031.

Representatives of the lower house of the Colombian Congress said they could not remain indifferent to the “notorious electoral fraud” perpetrated, according to them, by Nicolás Maduro in the elections of July 28.

“The lack of freedom and democracy in Venezuela seriously affects the stability, security and harmonious development of Colombia. For this reason, the House of Representatives cannot be indifferent to the notorious electoral fraud perpetrated by the regime of Nicolás Maduro in the elections of July 28 and cannot remain silent in complicity in the face of the systematic persecution to which the figures of the political opposition, led by María Corina Machado and Edmundo González, are being subjected,” reads the proposal of the Colombian Congress.

For his part, Juan Espinal, from the Democratic Center, asked Colombians to take into account who are the politicians who rejected the proposal that seeks to disavow the next Maduro government.

“They all came through democratic means, and surely those on the far left want to help the regime to finish off what little remains of the country,” insisted Espinal, who called for social sanctions for those who support him.

Photo: EFE

Proposal to recognize Edmundo González

It was learned that among those who voted against recognizing Edmundo Gonzáles as president-elect of Venezuela were: Jaime Raúl Salamanca, Alejandro Toro, Gabriel Becerra, Jorge Ocampo, María Fernanda Carrascal, Alirio Uribe and Agmeth Escaf.

Colombian Congress Recognizes Edmundo González as Venezuela’s Newly Elected President

“I voted against this proposal, which forced President Petro to say who is the President of Venezuela. I voted against it because this is not a power of the President, and what they are seeking is to intervene in the internal affairs of another country, which violates the sovereignty of each nation. This goes against all legal order,” argued Representative Toro, who despite this made it clear that he does respect human rights.

It was also learned that there were 75 abstentions, according to the records provided by the entity; because 112 votes were reported out of 187 expected.

Forero stressed that they now have to wait for the response of the Colombian head of state to the decision of the lower house.

Congress of Spain also recognized Gonzalez

On September 11, the Spanish Congress also approved the recognition of Edmundo González as the “elected and legitimate president of Venezuela.” The decision was approved with 177 votes in favor, 164 against and one abstention.

The parliamentarians voted in favour of a motion by the Popular Party (PP) to urge the Spanish government to recognise opposition leader Edmundo González as the “winner of the Venezuelan elections”. The decision is not binding and has symbolic value.

The motion stated that this recognition is based on the “refusal of the Venezuelan electoral authorities to disclose the results in a timely manner” and the “publication by the opposition of 83.5% of the verifiable records that confirm an electoral result in favor of Edmundo González.”

Spanish Congress approves recognition of Edmundo González as “president-elect of Venezuela”

Photo: EFE

The text was based on the position and official statements of international organizations such as the Carter Center, the United Nations (UN) mission and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security, Josep Borrell.

The group also calls for an end to the repression of protests in Venezuela, the release of political prisoners and for the personal safety of opposition leader María Corina Machado and González himself.

The decision was supported by the PP, Vox, the PNV, UPN and Coalición Canaria, while it was rejected by the socialist party PSOE and Sumar. For his part, the former socialist minister José Luis Ábalos abstained.

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#Colombian #House #Representatives #recognizes #Edmundo #González #Venezuelan #presidentelect
2024-09-17 01:35:45

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