Colombia Champions Electoral Clarity, Advocating for Full Disclosure of Venezuela’s Final Results

A deep concern has been expressed by the Government of Colombia regarding allegations of electoral fraud in Venezuela, which is why through its foreign minister, Luis Gilberto Murillothose a call for transparency and verification of the results obtained in the presidential elections held last Sunday, July 28.

Murillo stressed the importance of having the possibility of auditing each and every one of the final minutes, so as to give legitimacy to the process, as highlighted by the RCN news website.

“For peace in Venezuela it is imperative to know and audit all the final minutes (…) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following instructions from President Gustavo Petro, has monitored the electoral process in Venezuela, always respecting its autonomy and maintaining a constant dialogue with all the parties involved,” he stated.

In the same way He urged Venezuelan authorities to support the democratic process with concrete evidence and available constitutional mechanisms..

The New Granadan chancellor did not miss the opportunity to Call for dialogue between the parties involved, so that acts of violence in the streets can be avoided in order to move forward to an agreement that generates the peace that the country needs.

“The international community and the Venezuelan people expect transparency and electoral guarantees to prevail for all sectors, it is crucial to clear up any doubts about the results,” he reiterated.

He also recalled that Colombia is committed to being an active part of the international community, all in order to support the efforts necessary to ensure peace, stability and even the deepening of democracy in the region, thus contributing to a peaceful and democratic solution in Venezuela.

This statement by Foreign Minister Murillo coincides with the concerns of other governments in the region, as well as organizations that have also taken a similar position, all regarding the transparency of the Venezuelan electoral process.

#Colombia #aims #electoral #transparency #urges #final #results #Venezuela
2024-09-06 01:34:20

Colombia Voices Concerns Over Allegations of Electoral Fraud in Venezuela

In a significant diplomatic gesture, the Government​ of Colombia, represented​ by Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo, has expressed serious concerns‍ regarding allegations of electoral fraud ⁤in the recent Venezuelan presidential elections held on July 28. This move ‍underscores Colombia’s commitment to regional stability and democratic‍ integrity, addressing⁤ a situation that could have far-reaching implications for both nations.

Call for Transparency and Election Verification

In an official⁢ statement, Minister Murillo called for comprehensive transparency and verification of the election‍ results, emphasizing the necessity of auditing all final minutes from the voting process. This plea for transparency aims to instill legitimacy in the electoral outcomes and restore ‌faith in the democratic process, as reported by ⁤the RCN news website.

“The legitimacy of‍ the electoral process ‍in Venezuela must be validated through ⁢transparent auditing of all final minutes,” Murillo stated. ​He highlighted the importance of this approach, signaling that ongoing doubts about the ⁢election process could fuel instability in the region.

Commitment to Peace in Venezuela

Murillo reiterated that the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been actively monitoring the electoral process ‍in Venezuela‌ by adhering to principles of autonomy and maintaining a dialogue with all parties⁣ involved. ⁣In‍ an ‌emphasis on peace, he remarked, “For peace in Venezuela, it is imperative ⁤to know and audit‍ all‍ the final ⁤minutes.” This statement reflects Colombia’s desire for a peaceful ⁣resolution and the establishment of a stable democratic framework in Venezuela.

The Colombian government ⁤not only seeks transparency‍ in the ⁣electoral process but also ⁢calls for Venezuelan ⁣authorities to uphold the democratic framework⁢ and utilize available constitutional mechanisms to support the⁢ electoral process effectively.⁢

Encouraging Dialogue‌ to Prevent Violence

In addition to advocating for transparency and democratic integrity, Minister Murillo urged all involved parties in Venezuela to engage in constructive dialogue to prevent potential violence in the streets. Addressing the volatile political landscape,⁢ he stressed the‍ importance of reaching a consensus that fosters peace​ and ⁤order within the nation.

“The international ⁢community and the ⁣Venezuelan people expect transparency ⁣and ⁢electoral guarantees ‌to prevail for all sectors,” he noted. This statement ​encapsulates the collective hope that a ‍peaceful resolution ‌can be achieved through dialogue, diminishing the chances of social​ unrest and political upheaval.


The Colombian government’s stance on the Venezuelan elections reflects a​ deep commitment to fostering democratic values and ensuring peace⁤ in the ⁤region. By advocating for transparency, a thorough audit of the electoral process, and constructive dialogue among all stakeholders, Colombia is ​not only looking to safeguard its neighbor’s democratic integrity but also aiming to promote⁢ stability throughout Latin America.

As both the Colombian and Venezuelan governments navigate these complex issues, the eyes of the international community remain fixed on the developments, anticipating an outcome that prioritizes‍ democracy and peace over conflict and distrust.⁣ The hope is that ‍with cooperation, transparency, and respect for democratic principles, Venezuela can emerge from this ‍electoral⁢ turmoil stronger and more united.



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