Colombia Applauds U.S. Endorsement of Its Drug Policy as a Sign of Success

Bogotá, Sep 17 (EFE).- The Colombian government said Tuesday that the United States’ support for the country’s fight against drug trafficking is certification that the new drug strategy and policy approved last year is correct.

“The certification in the fight against drugs is the demonstration of a successful strategy. By taking the anti-drug action from repressing the peasant to seizing the property of the big drug trafficker, we managed to overcome a great social injustice and a lie,” said Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Tuesday in a message on his X account.

This comes after the memorandum sent by US President Joe Biden to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was made known, in which he endorses the joint work carried out in Colombia, whom he considers a “close partner.”

“U.S. assistance has led to increased seizures, with Colombian police seizing more than 841 metric tons of pure cocaine and coca base in 2023, up 10% from the previous year,” the memo said.

“Through the presidential certification of President Biden of the United States for the year 2025, he not only certifies Colombia in its drug policy but also highlights the strategy that Colombia has had to combat narcotics,” said the Colombian Minister of Justice, Angela Maria Buitrago.

In addition, the senior official reiterated the commitment to a new approach to the fight against drug trafficking that focuses on providing security, justice and economic opportunities to vulnerable rural populations, which is what the new drug policy approved in September by the Colombian government consists of.

The US president said he values ​​this new strategy, designed for 10 years, and urged the Colombian government to provide the necessary resources and speed up its implementation.


#Colombia #endorsement #drug #policy #proves
2024-09-18 19:53:04

How has the US government recognized Colombia’s new strategy in combating drug trafficking?

US Backs Colombia’s Fight Against Drug Trafficking, Certifying New Strategy’s ⁤Success

In a significant development, the Colombian government has‌ received a​ major ‌endorsement from⁢ the United States in its fight ⁣against drug trafficking. The US government has ⁤certified Colombia’s new drug strategy and policy, ‌which was approved last ‌year, as a ⁢successful‍ approach‍ in combating the menace of ​drug‍ trafficking.

A Shift in Focus

According to Colombian President Gustavo Petro, the certification is a testament to the⁢ success ​of the country’s new ‍strategy, ‍which has⁤ shifted its ⁤focus from repressing peasants⁣ to seizing the assets of major drug traffickers. In a message on ⁢his X account, President Petro ⁤emphasized that this approach has helped overcome a significant social injustice and debunk a lie. ⁣By​ targeting the ⁢root ‌of the problem, Colombia has been able to make significant progress in reducing drug trafficking.

US‍ Support⁢ and Commendation

The certification ⁤comes after a memorandum was sent​ by US President Joe Biden to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, praising the joint efforts⁤ of ⁣the two‌ countries in combating drug trafficking. The US government has commended Colombia’s efforts, recognizing ‍it ⁣as a “close partner” in the fight against ⁤drugs. The memo highlighted the ‍significant achievements of Colombian authorities, including the ⁣seizure of over 841 metric tons of pure cocaine and⁢ coca base in 2023, a 10% increase from the previous year.

Colombian​ Government’s Response

The Colombian Minister of Justice, Angela Maria Buitrago, welcomed the certification, ​stating that it⁤ not only endorses Colombia’s drug policy but also acknowledges the country’s strategy‍ in combating ‍narcotics. The senior official reiterated‌ the government’s commitment to continuing its efforts to combat drug trafficking,⁤ emphasizing the‍ importance of ​cooperation⁤ between the two countries.

Implications and Future Directions

The US ⁤certification is a​ significant boost‌ to Colombia’s⁤ efforts to⁢ combat drug trafficking. It also sets a positive precedent for future cooperation between the two countries. The success of Colombia’s new strategy is a testament to the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of drug ⁤trafficking. As the Colombian government continues to build on its momentum, it ‍is likely ‌to serve‌ as a model for other countries grappling with similar ​challenges.


The certification of Colombia’s fight against drug ⁢trafficking by the‍ US government is a significant‌ step forward in the global war on drugs. It⁣ demonstrates ⁤the importance of cooperation, ⁢innovative strategies, and ‌a commitment to tackling ‍the complex issues surrounding drug trafficking. As the world continues to grapple​ with the menace ‍of drug trafficking, the⁣ success of Colombia’s approach serves as a beacon ⁤of hope⁢ for a safer and more secure future.

Keywords: Colombia, drug trafficking, US certification, Gustavo⁣ Petro, Joe ⁤Biden, Angela Maria Buitrago, fight against‍ drugs, narcotics, drug policy,‍ strategy, social ⁣injustice, drug seizures, cocaine, coca base.

Colombia’s new drug strategy by the US government highlights the effectiveness of their approach in combating drug trafficking.

How has the US government recognized Colombia’s new strategy in combating drug trafficking?

US Backs Colombia’s Fight Against Drug Trafficking, Certifying New Strategy’s Success

In a significant development, the Colombian government has received a major endorsement from the United States in its fight against drug trafficking. The US government has certified Colombia’s new drug strategy and policy, which was approved last year, as a successful approach in combating the menace of drug trafficking.

A Shift in Focus

According to Colombian President Gustavo Petro, the certification is a testament to the success of the country’s new strategy, which has shifted its focus from repressing peasants to seizing the assets of major drug traffickers. In a message on his X account, President Petro emphasized that this approach has helped overcome a significant social injustice and debunk a lie. By targeting the root of the problem, Colombia has been able to make significant progress in reducing drug trafficking.

US Support and Commendation

The certification comes after a memorandum was sent by US President Joe Biden to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, praising the joint efforts of the two countries in combating drug trafficking. The US government has commended Colombia’s efforts, recognizing it as a “close partner” in the fight against drugs. The memo highlighted the significant achievements of Colombian authorities, including the seizure of over 841 metric tons of pure cocaine and coca base in 2023, a 10% increase from the previous year.

Colombian Government’s Response

The Colombian Minister of Justice, Angela Maria Buitrago, welcomed the certification, stating that it not only endorses Colombia’s drug policy but also acknowledges the country’s strategy in combating narcotics. The senior official reiterated the government’s commitment to continuing its efforts to combat drug trafficking, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between the two countries.

Implications and Future Directions

The US certification is a significant boost to Colombia’s efforts to combat drug trafficking. It also sets a positive precedent for future cooperation between the two countries. The success of Colombia’s new strategy is a testament to the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of drug trafficking. As the Colombian government continues to build on its momentum, it is likely to serve as a model for other countries grappling with similar challenges.


The certification of



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