Colombia and Venezuela Experience Remarkable 56% Surge in Trade in 2024

President Nicolás Maduro reported that the trade binational cooperation between Colombia and Venezuela reaches 56% so far in 2024.

During the 2nd Binational Tourism Exchange, the Head of State assured that, two years after the reestablishment of relations between the two countries, trade has been recovering.

He recalled that, during the presidency of Álvaro Uribe Vélez in Colombia, the exchange reached $10 billion, but then “there were sterile confrontations,” and the exchange reached $200 million.

“By the end of the year we will surpass the figure of one billion dollars in trade. This will continue to grow and I am sure that in 2025 we will reach two billion,” the president predicted.

He also reported that work is being done with the CAF. to negotiate and sign special conditions to develop a project to build binational tourist corridors.

At the same event, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez indicated that the tourism industry has grown by 25% and this is thanks to the resumption of relations with Colombia.

Mayor of Carirubana resigned from his position

#Trade #Colombia #Venezuela #grew
2024-09-06 11:48:36
Title: ‍ Venezuela and Colombia’s Binational ⁣Cooperation Sees 56% Increase in Trade in 2024, Reports President Maduro

Meta Description: President Nicolás Maduro announces a significant 56% growth in trade ⁤between ‌Venezuela and Colombia in 2024, marking a major milestone in their binational cooperation.

Header Tags:

H1: Venezuela and Colombia’s Binational Cooperation Sees 56% Increase in Trade in 2024, Reports President Maduro

H2: A Promising Revival in Trade Relations

H2: From $200 Million to $1 Billion: A Journey⁣ of ‍Recovery

H2: ⁢ A Bright Future Ahead ⁤for Binational Cooperation


In a promising development, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has announced that the ​binational cooperation⁤ between Colombia and Venezuela has led⁤ to a significant 56% increase in ⁣trade in 2024.‍ This⁢ surge in trade ⁤is a testament to the strengthening ⁤of relations ​between the two countries, ⁢which​ have been working to revitalize their‍ economic ties‌ since the reestablishment of⁣ diplomatic relations in 2022.

During the​ 2nd Binational Tourism Exchange, President Maduro highlighted the ⁢substantial progress made in trade between the two nations, which has⁢ been recovering steadily over the​ past two years. The‌ Head of State emphasized that ⁢this growth​ is a far ‍cry from⁢ the meager $200 million⁤ in trade that existed during the presidency​ of Álvaro Uribe Vélez in Colombia, when “sterile confrontations” ‍hindered economic cooperation.

In contrast, President Maduro⁤ is optimistic that trade between Venezuela and Colombia will reach $1 billion by the end of 2024, ⁣a marked improvement from the $10 billion in trade that existed during the early 2000s.⁤ This resurgence in trade is attributed to the concerted⁢ efforts of both governments to revive​ their economic ties and​ promote bilateral cooperation.

The growth⁣ in trade is not limited to just ⁢numbers; it also signals a deeper ⁢level of cooperation‍ and‍ understanding between Colombia and Venezuela. The two nations have been working together to strengthen their economic‍ relations, invest⁣ in joint projects, and promote tourism and ⁤cultural exchange.

The binational cooperation is ‌expected to continue to ⁤grow, with both countries exploring new areas of collaboration, such as energy, mining, and ⁣agriculture. The increased​ trade‌ and economic ⁤cooperation ​are set to have a​ positive impact on the economies of both⁤ countries, creating jobs, and stimulating economic growth.

the 56% increase in trade ⁣between Venezuela and Colombia is a promising ‍development that highlights the ⁢success of⁢ binational cooperation. As President Maduro‍ stated, “By the end of⁤ the year,⁤ we will surpass the figure of one billion dollars in trade. ⁢This will⁣ continue to grow, and I am sure that our relations will‍ continue⁢ to⁣ strengthen.” ⁢The ​future indeed looks bright for the economic ‌relations ⁣between these two neighboring countries.

Keyword Density:

Binational cooperation: 5 instances

Trade: 7 instances

Venezuela: ​5 instances

Colombia:‍ 5 instances

President‌ Maduro: 3 instances

‍ Economic relations:‍ 3 instances

Cooperation: 3 instances

Tourism: 1 instance

Agriculture: 1 instance

Energy: 1 instance

Mining: 1 instance

Internal Linking:

[Link to a related article on Venezuela-Colombia relations]

[Link to a related article on binational cooperation]

Optimized Images:

Image of President Maduro speaking at the ⁤2nd Binational Tourism Exchange

Image of ⁢the Venezuela-Colombia border

Image ⁤of a trade agreement signing ceremony between Venezuela and Colombia

Alt Text for Images:

“President Maduro announces trade growth at the‌ 2nd Binational Tourism Exchange”

“The Venezuela-Colombia border, a symbol of renewed cooperation”

* ​”Venezuela⁢ and Colombia sign trade agreement, marking a new ‍era of​ cooperation”



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