Colombia and Segunda Marquetalia: Pioneering a Journey Towards Harmonious Living

During the first round of peace negotiations that took place in Caracas from the 24th to this Saturday, the Colombian government and the dissident group FARC Segunda Marquetalia agreed on the ‘Agreement on early measures for the comprehensive and gradual de-escalation of the conflict in the territories’ where the organization has a presence.

To this end, they established the formation of “a technical subcommittee” that will be in charge of establishing “georeferencing in the municipalities, districts and villages” where the Second Marquetalia “has a presence.”

The Colombian government must adopt the necessary measures to allow the active participation in the subcommission of the delegation of the Second Marquetalia – a dissident group of the FARC made up of former guerrillas who abandoned the 2016 peace agreement -, according to the document signed by the parties and released at the end of the first cycle of dialogue.

The agreement will be presented at a meeting to be held “no later than July 20” of this year, where the methodology and timeline for identifying “quick-impact” social and economic projects will also be defined.

For this meeting, the parties request the accompaniment of Venezuela, Cuba and Norway, as guarantor countries, as well as the UN Verification Mission and the Colombian Episcopal Conference.

For its part, the Second Marquetalia pledged not to remain in uniform or armed in “municipal capitals and urban centers or on primary and secondary land and river routes,” as well as to hand over the people it is “holding” and to maintain “the respect and guarantees of the civilian population.”

The unilateral ceasefire of the Second Marquetalia “does not imply limiting the constitutional and legal powers of the Public Force,” states the agreement signed in Caracas.

The implementation of the de-escalation will begin when a presidential decree comes into effect that will suspend offensive military operations, and the public force will “provide security conditions.”

Within the framework of economic measures to de-escalate the conflict and transform the country towards peace, the Government will prioritise comprehensive agrarian reform programmes and land restitution.

Meanwhile, the Second Marquetalia must “unconditionally respect the life and integrity of state officials and the beneficiaries of said programs in the territories in which it maintains a presence.”

In addition, the parties will “develop a set of measures to contribute early to the reparation of victims of the conflict in areas where territorial transformation activities for peace are taking place.”

These negotiations were announced in early February, when the parties announced the start of a peace process, the third undertaken by Gustavo Petro’s Executive, after those established with the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the Central General Staff (EMC), the main dissident group of the FARC.

The second round of negotiations is expected to take place in Cuba in the second week of August, as requested by the Colombian government and the guerrilla group.

#Colombia #Segunda #Marquetalia #agree #measures #deescalate #conflict
2024-09-16 06:20:59

What are the key components of the de-escalation agreement between the Colombian government⁣ and FARC Segunda Marquetalia?

Colombia Takes a Step Towards Peace: Government ⁣and FARC Segunda Marquetalia ⁢Agree on De-Escalation Measures

In a significant breakthrough, the Colombian government and the dissident group FARC Segunda Marquetalia have reached a crucial agreement on ‍early‍ measures for the comprehensive‌ and gradual de-escalation of the conflict in territories where the organization has a presence. The agreement, signed in Caracas, marks a vital⁣ step towards peace and stability in the region.

Technical Subcommittee‌ to Establish Georeferencing

As part of the agreement, a technical subcommittee will be ‍formed to establish georeferencing in the municipalities, districts, and villages where the Second Marquetalia has a presence. ​This subcommittee will play a critical role⁤ in identifying areas​ where the organization operates, paving the‍ way for de-escalation measures.

Colombian‌ Government and​ Second Marquetalia Commitments

The ‍Colombian government has committed to adopting necessary measures to allow ​the active participation of the​ Second Marquetalia delegation in the subcommittee. Meanwhile, the Second Marquetalia has pledged not ⁣to remain in uniform or armed in municipal capitals and urban centers, or on primary and secondary land and river routes. The organization has⁣ also agreed to hand over individuals⁢ it is holding and maintain respect and guarantees for the​ civilian population.

Unilateral ‌Ceasefire ⁣and Security Conditions

The agreement includes a unilateral ceasefire ⁤by the ‌Second Marquetalia, which does ‍not imply limiting the constitutional and legal powers of the Public Force. The ⁣implementation ‌of the de-escalation will begin when a presidential decree comes into effect, suspending offensive military operations, and the public force will provide security conditions.

Economic Measures for De-Escalation and Peace

The ⁤Colombian government​ has committed to prioritizing comprehensive‌ agrarian reform programs and land​ restitution as part⁣ of its economic measures to de-escalate the conflict‍ and transform the country towards‍ peace. The Second Marquetalia, on its part, has agreed to unconditionally respect the life and integrity of state officials and beneficiaries of these programs‌ in territories where ‍it maintains a⁣ presence.

Reparation of Victims and Future Meetings

The parties have agreed to develop a set of measures to contribute early to ‌the reparation of victims of ​the conflict in areas where territorial transformation is ‌taking place. A⁢ meeting is ‍scheduled to take place no later than July ‍20, where the methodology‌ and timeline for identifying quick-impact social and economic projects will be⁤ defined. The meeting will be accompanied by Venezuela, Cuba, and Norway as guarantor ‍countries, as‍ well as the UN ‍Verification Mission and the Colombian Episcopal Conference.

Significance and Implications

This agreement marks⁣ a ​significant ⁤step forward in the peace process between the⁤ Colombian government and the FARC Segunda ⁢Marquetalia. The de-escalation measures and commitments from both parties demonstrate a clear intention to work‍ towards ‌peace and ⁣stability in the region. The agreement also highlights the importance of economic measures, such as agrarian reform and land ⁣restitution, in addressing the root causes of the conflict.


The agreement between the Colombian government and⁣ the FARC Segunda Marquetalia is a ‍crucial step towards peace and stability in Colombia. As the parties⁤ move ‌forward with the ​implementation of the de-escalation measures, it is essential to maintain momentum and continue⁢ working towards a comprehensive and lasting peace. The international ⁣community, including guarantor countries and organizations, must continue to provide support​ and accompaniment to ensure the success of ​this process.

Keywords: ⁤ Colombia, FARC Segunda Marquetalia, peace negotiations, de-escalation measures, georeferencing, technical subcommittee, unilateral ceasefire,⁣ economic measures, agrarian reform, land restitution, reparation of victims.

Meta⁣ Description: ‌ The Colombian government and the FARC Segunda Marquetalia have reached an agreement⁣ on de-escalation measures, marking a significant step towards peace and stability ‌in the region. Learn⁢ more about the commitments and implications of this agreement.

Optimized Image: An image of the Colombian government and ⁢FARC Segunda Marquetalia delegates shaking hands or signing the agreement, with a caption “Colombia ⁣Takes a Step Towards Peace”.

What are the key components of the de-escalation agreement between the Colombian government and FARC Segunda Marquetalia?

Colombia Takes a Step Towards Peace: Government and FARC Segunda Marquetalia Agree on De-Escalation Measures

In a significant breakthrough, the Colombian government and the dissident group FARC Segunda Marquetalia have agreed on a comprehensive deal to de-escalate the conflict in the territories where the organization has a presence. The agreement, signed in Caracas, marks a crucial step towards peace and stability in the region.

Key Components of the De-Escalation Agreement

The agreement stipulates the formation of a technical subcommittee that will be responsible for establishing georeferencing in the municipalities, districts, and villages where the Second Marquetalia has a presence. This subcommittee will be instrumental in identifying areas where the conflict can be de-escalated and peace can be established.

To ensure the active participation of the Second Marquetalia in the subcommission, the Colombian government has agreed to adopt the necessary measures. The parties have also agreed to present the agreement to a meeting to be held no later than July 20, 2023, where the methodology and timeline for identifying “quick-impact” social and economic projects will be defined.

Guarantor Countries and UN Verification Mission

The parties have requested the accompaniment of Venezuela, Cuba, and Norway, as guarantor countries, as well as the UN Verification Mission and the Colombian Episcopal Conference, to ensure the successful implementation of the agreement.

Commitments from the Second Marquetalia

The Second Marquetalia has pledged to:

Not remain in uniform or armed in municipal capitals and urban centers or on primary and secondary land and river routes.

Hand over the people it is holding.

* Maintain respect and guarantees for the civilian population.

Unilateral Ceasefire and Constitutional Powers

The unilateral ceasefire declared by the Second Marquetalia does not imply limiting the constitutional and legal powers of the Public Force. The implementation of the de-escalation will begin when a presidential decree comes into effect, suspending offensive military operations, and the public force will provide security conditions.

Economic Measures for De-Escalation and Peace

The Colombian government will prioritize comprehensive agrarian reform programs and land restitution as part of the economic measures to de-escalate the conflict and transform the country towards peace. Meanwhile, the Second Marquetalia must unconditionally respect the life and integrity of state officials and beneficiaries of these programs in the territories where it maintains a presence.

Reparation of Victims and Territorial Transformation

The parties will develop a set of measures to contribute early to the reparation of victims of the conflict in areas where territorial transformation activities for peace are taking place.

Next Steps and Future Negotiations

The second round of negotiations is expected to take place in Cuba in the second week of August, as requested by the Colombian government and the guerrilla group. This marks a significant step forward in the peace process, which was announced in early February.

The agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC Segunda Marquetalia is a crucial milestone on the path to peace and stability in Colombia. It demonstrates the commitment of both parties to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict and paving the way for a brighter future for the Colombian people.

Keyword: Colombia, Segunda Marquetalia, peace negotiations, de-escalation agreement, conflict resolution, peace process, government, guerrilla group, Venezuela, Cuba, Norway, UN Verification Mission, Colombian Episcopal Conference.



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