“Online business stock news” Gather listed companies (listed companies) to prepare interim dividend payments And there is a non-dividend date (XD) scheduled for next week between 29 Nov. – 1 Dec. ’22 to be presented as an alternative to invest in the volatile stock market. and lack of positive factors It also offers an attractive dividend yield, with a total of 5 securities consisting of HANA, IVL, POLY, SPI, SSC as shown in the table below.
Incidentally, the XD sign (Security Buyers are not entitled to receive dividends) means that investors who buy shares today will not be entitled to receive dividends. Therefore, investor buying stocks marked with XD on the date of XD may cause investors to receive less returns. And posting the XD sign will affect the stock price negatively. After the XD day, the stock price usually decreases with the amount of dividend paid.