Collapsed object from a young massive binary star system? “IRAS 05506+2414” | sorae Portal site to space

The Hubble Space Telescope’s official Twitter account (@HUBBLE_space) reintroduces previously published astronomical images. The celestial object this time is “IRAS 05506+2414”, which may have been caused by the collapse of a young massive binary star system.

(Citation: Hubble (esa))


  • Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Sahai
  • ESA/Hubble – An Enigmatic Astronomical Explosion

IRAS 05506+2414 is an object located more than 9,000 light-years away in the constellation Taurus, where a thick cloud of gas and dust surrounds a bright young star.

In a typical young star, some of the material that flows in from the disk of gas and dust around the star is ejected in both directions as thin jets. However, in IRAS 05506+2414, the situation is different, and it seems that the material ejected in a fan shape at a wide angle from the center of the image toward the outside spreads at a speed of up to 350 km/s.

It has been pointed out that the explosive phenomenon in IRAS 05506+2414 may have been caused by the collapse of a young massive binary star system.

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