Collaboration Between Shelters and Authorities: Rescuing and Rehabilitating Animals in Need

2023-06-30 09:04:00

Good collaboration between the shelters and with the authorities

Animals were stored like ordinary merchandise. ©Animals at Risk

As soon as the authorities called, a veritable network of associations was organized to best accommodate such a large number of animals. 5 Walloon shelters and 2 Flemish shelters (Animaux en Péril, Le Rêve d’Aby, Help Animals, Au Bonheur Animal, Equi’Chance, Forrest & Friends, De Ark van Pollare and Animal sans Toi… t) responded and set out to converge on the Borinage, the first place of seizure where 89 sheep and 10 goats will be rescued.

As the shelter vehicles prepare to leave, the teams are informed of the presence of a second clandestine slaughterhouse in Tournaisis where 30 sheep are about to have their throats cut. Once again, the associations are responding to the call and uniting to support them.

Treated like common commodities

On site, the sheep are kept in poor conditions: they are huddled together in makeshift shelters made of old pallets and sheet metal, all built on land that looks like a dump. Coming from several European countries, the animals have experienced long journeys before being stored as mere goods.

“The intervention arrived in time! Some animals already had their legs tied, they were ready to go under the knife blade”said Sophie Locatelli, president of Aby’s Dream and vice-president of Animals in Peril.

Now supported by the various associations, the animals are very caring… © Animals in danger

One by one, each animal is extracted from this situation by the members of the associations. The latter will be called upon again on Thursday for an intervention in a farm in Wallonia Picardy whose owners carry out the illegal activity of slaughtering sheep. When the volunteers from the associations arrived, the offal and heads of recently slaughtered sheep had not yet been evacuated.

The rapid control of the authorities however allows the evacuation of 47 lambs which will be distributed on the various reception places.

In two days, the 8 shelters will have absorbed the phenomenal quantity of 194 sheep and goats.

In quarantine and in intensive care

Reports from veterinarians who examined the rescued animals are overwhelming. The majority of the herd suffers, in fact, from dehydration, thinness and “transport fever” which, for some, leads to pneumonia with a vital prognosis.

The seizures made it possible to save 194 animals in extremis. They were able to be carried out thanks to good collaboration between the different shelters among themselves and with the authorities. ©Animals at Risk

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A large proportion of sheep also happen to be affected by an infectious skin disease called Contagious Ecthyma.

Some sheep suffer in particular from deep lesions, ulcers or pustules. The ordeal of the animals does not stop there since some have their hindquarters completely eaten away by maggots, in particular caused by diarrhea and lack of care.

A new life and a decision expected within two months

The state of thinness of certain animals was pitiful. ©Animals at Risk

A tedious care protocol has been put in place, starting with the shearing of the sheep’s fleece. The sheep and goats then benefited from internal and external treatments against parasites as well as basic foot care.

For sheep, the first treatment is to remove their vermin-filled fleece. ©Animals at Risk

Saved in extremis, the animals are now safe in the various shelters. After a period of quarantine under the special attention of trainers and volunteers, these animals will now enjoy a new life in vast meadows. As required by the usual seizure procedure, the animals will remain for a maximum of two months in the various shelters pending the fate reserved for them by the authority in charge of the file (in this case, it is a magistrate who is in charge of the case ).

After this period, they will either be returned to the shelters that housed them with the possibility for the latter to offer them for adoption or they will be returned to their owners.

As we say in these cases, business to follow, so…

#sheep #goats #destined #illegal #slaughter #saved #extremis #photos

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