Cold polar air on the rise – Baden-Württemberg threatened by weather change

  1. Heidelberg24
  2. Service
  3. Wetter


Is that it for the golden autumn? Next week you shouldn’t leave the house without an umbrella. © Ralph Peters/IMAGO/Screenshot:

The high pressure area Serkan is bringing sunny weather to Baden-Württemberg, but a polar air advance from Northern Europe could soon bring cooling.

Late summer is currently holding Germany, including Baden-Württemberg, in its warm grip. After the pleasant autumnal days of recent times, Thursday (September 19) is another day full of warmth and sunshine. But how long will the sunny climate in Baden-Württemberg last? A quick glance at the weather map suggests that the wonderful early autumn days could soon come to an end.

Late summer in Baden-Württemberg: Sunny and dry weather thanks to high pressure area Serkan

As early as the end of September, polar air could approach us from the north of Europe, according to meteorologist Dominik Jung from wetter.netAlthough the situation could still change, it is “nevertheless a first signal that cold air masses could soon reach us.” A significant drop in temperature is therefore not far away. On Thursday, however, the weather will once again be at its best.

According to the GFS forecast, the highest temperatures are expected in the Mannheim and Karlsruhe regions, while the lowest temperatures will be found in the Swabian Alb and the Black Forest. Nevertheless, the sun will shine everywhere in the state, only occasionally obscured by a few clouds. The reason for the wonderful late summer weather is the high pressure area Serkan, as meteorologist Dominik Jung explains. “The warm air masses are blowing around us from the east. High pressure Serkan is again ensuring widespread sunny and dry weather.”

Sun followed by rain: On Sunday, the bad weather returns to Baden-Württemberg

The weather will remain pleasant in the following days. On Friday (September 20th) and Saturday (September 21st) it will continue to be pleasant in Baden-Württemberg. The sun will often “smile down from an almost cloudless sky” and by the afternoon at the latest it will be able to prevail everywhere.

On Sunday (September 22nd), however, you should not leave the house without an umbrella. The first rain showers could arrive in the afternoon, bringing with them 4-5 litres of rain per square metre. This wet weather will stay with us for the coming week. Meteorologist Dominik Jung is even predicting “10-20 litres of rain per square metre in some places” for Baden-Württemberg by Thursday (September 26th). (sba)



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