Cofag – State claims 21 million euros in insolvency proceedings

The federal government is currently asserting around 350 such claims in insolvency proceedings, writes the “Standard” (weekend edition) with reference to information from the Ministry of Finance.

In total, the Republic has filed for insolvency claims totaling around 21 million euros.

In the course of winding up the Covid-19 Financing Agency (Cofag), the Ministry of Finance recently took over the awarding of outstanding subsidies and the reclaiming of benefits received in error. It is unclear how much money can still be recovered from the state as part of the bankruptcy settlement. There is also uncertainty about tax deferrals granted during the Corona pandemic: How much tax was actually paid and how much tax the state ultimately lost due to the bankruptcies “cannot be determined within the framework of an automated data analysis,” the ministry is quoted as saying in the report.



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