CodinGame. School 1337 crowned 3rd world champion

Moroccan skills continue to shine on the international coding scene. School 1337 of Ben Guerir managed to appear in the 3e place of the site specialized in computer programming, CodinGame.

The 1337 school indicated via its Twitter account that its students took part in a competition, which ran from December 12, 2022 to January 5, 2023, during which they faced 250 schools and universities around the world, specializing in coding. The Moroccan team achieved a score of 43.866 points, overtaken by the 42-Paris school from France (45.344 pts) and the University of Wroclaw from Poland (44.912 pts).

1337 was ranked, last May, 5th in the world and first in Africa, during the CodingGame Spring Challenge. 12 Moroccan students had joined the “legendary” league bringing together the best participants in the world.



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