“Code of Ethics Violated” –

Christian Campigli

If you pull the rope too hard, sooner or later it will break. A maxim as old as it is wise, which Christian Raimo has experienced in these hours on his own skin. The writer and teacher of History and Philosophy at a high school in Rome has in fact received a disciplinary reprimand, one of the first sanctions that can be inflicted on a teacher. The news, reported by the portal Orizzonte Scuola, explains how the decision was taken by the regional school management of Lazio, which deemed Raimo guilty of having violated the teachers’ code of ethics.

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Specifically, for expressing opinions on social media that could damage the image of public schools. At the end of March, when Ilaria Salis was still in Hungarian prison, Raimo let loose with a delirious comment. During a guest appearance on the television program “L’aria che tira”, he said, verbatim: “What should we do with neo-Nazis? In my opinion, we should beat them up”. In a few moments, a heated debate broke out on social media and in newspapers. The Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, had the opportunity to harshly criticize the teacher, underlining the need for teachers to maintain appropriate behavior. All over? Not at all. Raimo did not take the disciplinary action well at all and accused, on social media, the “so-called liberal power” of using the hierarchy to censor free expression. It should also be noted that, should the teacher repeat similar behavior, he could face more severe sanctions, including suspension from service and salary. However, Raimo has the option to appeal to the labor court to contest the sanction.

#Code #Ethics #Violated #Tempo
2024-08-26 14:51:00



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