Cocaine shipment found in containers bound for Belgium

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Within the framework of “Operation Dulzura”, agents of the National Anti-Drug Secretariat intercepted a shipment of cocaine disguised in bags of sugar that they intended to send to the Port of Antwerp, Belgium. Preliminary data indicate that it might be 1,000 kilos of the illicit cargo.

This operation, which is underway, is being carried out in the private port of Caacupemí, Villeta, in cooperation with the National Directorate of Tax Revenue (DNIT) and the Prosecutor’s Office.

Senad experts carried out the corresponding analysis and confirmed the existence of the prohibited substance disguised in a legal shipment, although they cannot specify the quantity at this time, because the procedure is ongoing and they are waiting for the prosecutor to begin the extraction and weighing of the packages.

The national director of Tax Revenue, Oscar Orue, explained that the operation “Dulzura” was based on information obtained regarding the possible departure of a large shipment of drugs bound for Europe, as a result of which the control of products considered sensitive began to be adjusted in order to camouflage the merchandise.

The check was carried out on a load of 17 tons of sugar, much of which was contaminated with pure cocaine, the national director explained.

News in development.

#Cocaine #shipment #containers #bound #Belgium
2024-07-16 18:15:57



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