Co-participation to Chubut: Ignacio Torres celebrated the Court’s ruling and considered that the issue “is settled”

2024-02-27 21:35:00

Federal Judge Rawson Hugo Ricardo Sastre ordered the national government to return the funds claimed by the province of Chubutwhich has already sparked a reaction in the political world, especially from the governors who had been confronting the president over shared funds and from the government of Javier Miley. In that sense, in a press conference in the Senate, the president of said province, Ignacio Torres, celebrated the Justice’s decision and considered that the issue “is settled.”

Torres, Together with their counterparts from Patagonia, they lead a press conference in the Senate of the Nation. The press conference had been held by the governor of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneckpresent in the National Congress while the Senate outlines a strategy to reject the mega DNU by Miley.

“Today there is an issue that is settled. The arbiter of this decision was Justice. Afterwards the Government may appeal, but the issue is settled,” said the Chubut president at the beginning of his speech. At the meeting, himself Torres maintains a prominent role, along with the support of other governors.

Furthermore, he expressed that, in his opinion, the discussion between the Nation and the Provinces over co-participating funds led to “a much deeper discussion” and a “false and inconducive rift between a National State and the Provincial States.” “Argentina needs unity and for us to agree. We do not have time to have very sophisticated ideological discussions when we have to guarantee health, education, security,” he expressed.

And he added: “The National Government has to accommodate the macroeconomy, which is a very important challenge and we understand it and we support these fiscal goals. In each of our provinces we also had to do the same.”

In this regard, he referred to the particular case of Chubut, where it was “an enormous effort” to be able to achieve “the primary surplus to be able to overcome primary maturities that we had as a result of a totally irresponsible indebtedness of the previous government.” In that sense, he expressed that the proposal made by the province to Justice was not “to plant a flag in a war once morest the National Government or once morest the President of the Nation, but because we are convinced that it is the right thing to do.”

“We cannot at this point discuss what model of country we want when we live in a federal Argentina,” he added. Along these lines, he maintained that the provinces present at the press conference “represent 50% of the foreign currency that has been squandered during the last national governments.”

In addition to this, he expressed the desire of the governors present that “Argentina move forward”, for which he proposed to the president “a growth agenda.” “We are going to propose to the National Government to actively participate in a Patagonian development agenda that allows us to generate more foreign currency, which it so desperately needs. That allows us to add value to our resources and be more competitive, have more density of companies,” he said.

“I would never have imagined being in a situation like this: just over 70 days following taking office, having reached a limit when in reality it might have been resolved with common sense,” he said. In addition, he sent a message of unity: “It was not possible, but know that on this side all the governors who are here are here to dialogue, generate consensus,” while he highlighted “how sterile a discussion of the National State once morest the Provincial States”.

“The provinces are Argentina. No governor intends for the Government to do poorly, but every governor who has been democratically elected to defend the interests of their provinces, we have every right to raise a difference when we believe it is wrong. That is the basis of any democratic system: being able to dissent, and that does not mean you are the enemy,” he stressed.

Furthermore, he expressed that his desire and that of all the provinces is “to be able to live in peace, to be able to govern our provinces without creating false imaginary cracks that do nothing but harm citizens.” “We have to be able to agree and reach a consensus. Nobody has the absolute truth. And if the Government has enough truth to listen to the productive interior, Argentina will move forward once and for all,” he continued.

Likewise, he announced that on March 7 a Patagonian Parliament with a Patagonian Manifesto will take place with the objective of “showing all of Argentina the tremendous potential we have.” “It is tiring at such a critical moment to see that instead of agreeing we fight,” he said.

In addition to this, he threw a dart at the national government for the imminent hydroelectric concessions. “We all agree that the granting power should be the Province. Surely the National Government is going to fight so that the granting power is the National State, and we are going to go to Justice and it will probably be the Justice that resolves. But in that way We don’t have to get into the ring as if we were enemies,” he said.

Claudio Vidal asked the Nation to call a “dialogue table”

The governor of Santa Cruz, Claudio Vidal, considered it “a little sad” that “what political immaturity did not resolve, Justice resolves.” “Once once more our country fails once more and this time there is not just a two-part crack, but it is deeper and multi-part,” he lamented.

For this reason, he believed that “the time has come to seek consensus” and “work together: Nation, provinces and municipalities.” In this regard, he asked for a “dialogue table” between all sectors involved in the conflict between the Nation and various provinces.

“The time has come to seek consensus, work as a team, we must accompany this government. I want this government to do well but there has to be respect, enough of media violence. The National Government has to set an example, beginning to respect democracy, calling all sectors to a dialogue table,” he expressed.

“The governors are not enemies of the people or the Government. We defend interests such as education, health, job creation, production. As a good Argentine, I believe that all of us who are part of this country pursue the same interests. The The only way we can reach an agreement is at a dialogue table,” he said. “I hope that never once more will the problems generated by political immaturity have to be defended by another power like Justice,” he concluded.

Sergio Ziliotto warned that governability “is a two-way street”

The governor of La Pampa, Sergio Ziliotto, celebrated the court ruling in favor of Chubut and considered it “a triumph of federalism.” “This victory does not put us above anyone, we are going to continue betting on dialogue, consensus, dissent and agreements because in Argentina we need governance,” he warned.

In that sense, he indicated that “governance is a two-way street” and assured that the provincial leaders “are going to continue betting on institutionality.” “Our north is the Constitution, the full functioning of the institutions of democracy, the division of powers,” she remarked.

“To build an increasingly federal, inclusive and developed Argentina, they will always find us. Otherwise they will find us clearly, but opposite,” he concluded.

Alberto Weretilneck invited Milei to a meeting of Patagonian governors in Madryn

The governor of Río Negro invited the President to a meeting that will be held on March 7 in Puerto Madryn, where leaders, legislators, businessmen and workers from Patagonia will be present.

“On March 7, the governors of Patagonia are going to meet in Puerto Madryn and the Patagonian parliament will meet. We want to invite the President of the Nation to visit the province of Chubut that day and he will meet all the governors, legislators , businessmen and the labor movement willing to dialogue,” he expressed.

Rolando Figueroa said that Patagonia contributes “a lot” to the GDP but receives energy and transportation “more expensively”

The governor of Neuquén stressed that the Patagonian provinces contribute “a lot to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)” of the country, but warned that “when receiving” they obtain “the most expensive energy and paying for the most expensive transportation.”

“We contribute a lot to the GDP of our country and many times when it comes to contributing, which we do with great pleasure because we love this country, we end up receiving the most expensive energy, paying for the most expensive transportation, paying for the most expensive electricity, a lot in freight. and more income tax than the rest of the country,” he warned

The governors’ concern regarding the DNU

For his part, the senator from Unión por la Patria, Jose Mayansexpressed to the press that “there is a general concern among the governors” regarding the DNU in which he worked Federico Sturzenegger because it “modifies 300 laws” and “eliminates 89.” “End parliament,” she demanded.

The new survey on Milei’s management: half approve, but support is falling

“There is a requirement on the part of the provinces for some taxes that should be shared and that they are now going to claim as established by the Constitution. Here in the Senate there are already 40 senators who expressed themselves once morest the DNU. What can not be done by decree are doing. You have to look at it issue by issue,” he added.

Asked regarding the government’s response to the provinces’ rejection, Mayans said that so far the government’s trend is “not negotiating zero deficit“, but that this is “at any price”, harming public investment, the pension system, education and health. “The paralysis of infrastructure works in all provinces and the claim of many companies that are now making many layoffs“, argument.

Finally, he charged once morest the vice president, Victoria Villarruelbecause “he delayed the treatment of the DNU all the time” and asked Milei that this Friday, March 1, at the legislative Assemblythe president “of real figures, because until now he made a story with unreal figures.”

Milei responds once more through her social networks

After learning of this followingnoon’s ruling, Milei already grabbed his phone and liked a tweet from his official account from a user who questioned the governors, especially the one from Buenos Aires. Axel Kicillof.

Justice ordered the National Government to stop withholding co-participation from Chubut

“The governors are committing the greatest economic suicide in Argentine history, we have never seen this desperate madness to take care of the kiosks. Kicillof cost us 50 billion dollars and has the nerve to threaten. He should be in gray hair and paying for the disaster he made “says the post.

The government will appeal and seeks to reach the Supreme Court

President Milei today ordered his legal team to request a per saltum to the Supreme Court of Justice in order to reverse the recent unfavorable ruling regarding the dispute over co-participating funds in Chubut.

In this framework, the Legal and Technical Secretariat, in addition to the per saltum, will explore the chance of raising the “full incompetence” and recusal of the judge who favored the province of Chubut, as revealed this Tuesday in Casa Rosada.

In this way, the Government seeks to respond immediately to the ruling that gave rise to the proposal of the Chubut governor, Ignacio Torres, for the Nation to return the 13,500 million pesos that removed him from co-participation due to a debt.

Axel Kicillof asked to “act together” and crossed Javier Milei: “Your role is not to melt the provinces, but to support them”

What does the ruling that agreed with Chubut before the Milei government say?

The ruling, a “self-satisfactory measure,” ordered “the cessation of the withholding that – as reimbursements for loans agreed upon within the framework of the Trust Fund for Provincial Development – the defendant has been making on the sums that the defendant must receive as of Federal Tax Co-participation”.

“This, until the refinancing of the debt is completed and for the maximum period included in the current financial year,” adds the resolution.

In addition, the judge urged Chubut and Nación to “arbitrate conducive means aimed at the cancellation and/or refinancing of the debt, under reasonable conditions, that do not involve the commitment of essential services of the provincial state.”


#Coparticipation #Chubut #Ignacio #Torres #celebrated #Courts #ruling #considered #issue #settled



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