CNP-Zulia issues a statement and demands respect for the legal exercise of journalism

The National College of Journalists (CNP), Zulia branchissued a communiqué in which requires respect for the legal exercise of the professionante “various events” in the region, “that have caused annoyance in our community and that force us to act and publicize the actions that we will implement”.

The National Association of Journalists, Zulia section, on behalf of the Zulia journalistic union, today raises its voice to support the work that colleagues in the region have been bravely and tirelessly carrying out, while demanding respect for our profession and communication professionals. “, begins the statement.

After considering that the guild is due to strict compliance with the Law on the Exercise of Journalism, the Code of Ethics of the Venezuelan Journalist and other rules and regulations that guide the profession, in addition to remembering that the Article 2 of the aforementioned law establishes that for the exercise of journalism, the degree of Bachelor of Journalism or Bachelor of Social Communication is required, in addition to being registered in the CNPthe Zulian guild agreed, in the first place, appeal to all instances to which there is a place to protect and protect the legal exercise of the professionin addition to the compulsory college.

They will exhort directors, secretaries, heads or coordinators of the Press, Communication, Information or Mediaboth from official bodies of any branch, jurisdiction or competence, to provide the journalistic union with a list detailing the name, surname, identity card and media outlet it representsand indicate who complies with article 2 of the Law on the Exercise of Journalism.

They also urge union members to defend the Law on the Exercise of Journalism, carrying the CNP card in a visible place, withdrawing from activities aimed at journalists and social communicators, when people who do not comply with the legal extremes, who disrespect or hinder the work actively participate in theseand making use of the informative veto, both public and private, to those who openly infringe and violate this Law.

Likewise, the CNP-Zulia expressly and directly repudiates any act of violence, be it verbal, psychological, professional and even more physical towards union members, without distinction of gender, by any person, institution or organization that executes it.

Finally, they alert the general public, as well as those who manage the different social media platforms, “of the inappropriate behaviors exercised by those people who engage in activities of violence and illegality.”



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