CNN: Putin infuriated the West, forcing to play “guessing game”

Despite American worries regarding declining living standards amid the pandemic, Russian President Vladimir Putin confidently holds the front pages of the press. He has already driven Washington into a frenzy, because no one knows whether he will attack Ukraine or not.

As the reviewer wrote CNN, now, as in the late twentieth century, congressmen gather for secret briefings to learn from intelligence regarding the plans of the Russian president.

“But in this modern standoff, Putin has pitted the Republicans as a rift is emerging between traditional hawks and pro-Trump populists. He made the White House draw attention to himself, ”the article says.

Putin cleverly uses diplomatic channels to split the ranks of the NATO member states. The intrigues of the Russian president caused a public conflict between the governments of the United States and Ukraine. They did not agree on the likelihood of a Russian “invasion”. Putin has garnered rave reviews from the American conservative media. An achievement that was unthinkable for any Soviet leader.

Earlier, the publisher and CEO of the American National Interest magazine Dmitry Simes, citing Russian political sources, said that Russia will not attack Ukraine. But in case of aggression, he will immediately respond.



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