CNL: The Mexico that López Obrador has left and that Claudia Sheinbaum takes on in matters of security

CNL: The Mexico that López Obrador has left and that Claudia Sheinbaum takes on in matters of security

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MEXICO CITY.— The Catholic Citizenship and Social Analysis Observatory of the National Council of the Laitypresented his document: “Security Policy of the Government of Claudia Sheinbaum“.

The document presents the following questions:

“Can we recover citizen security and social peace, at least in part, with the new federal government and its security strategy?”

“Was the “Agenda for Peace”, the result of a great national dialogue led by the CEM and other religious groups, considered when proposing a “new” security strategy by the government in power?”


In fact, the document highlights that, the public safety policy was so disastrous and indolent during the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obradorthat the enormous amount of victims of organized crimeas well as the unpunished and inevitable extension of crime in almost the entire national territory, moved the Catholic church to convene civil society to contribute their experience and intelligence, in order to build a process of peace, security and national reconciliation.

National Peace Agenda

He adds that, the National Dialogue for Peace had, among many others at the national level, two fundamental episodes, held during 2023-2024 in Guadalajara and Puebla, with the purpose of build a National Peace Agendawhere all sectors of society could participate, to build processes and joint ventures with the various governments of Mexico.

Esa National Peace Agenda was presented to the candidates for governor and the presidency of the Republic, and was very well accepted, except by the candidate Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo what rejected both the diagnosis and the proposals.

“Today, criminals are in all entities of the Republic and extend their dominion over many municipalities and entire states without anyone or anything stopping them,” says the Observatory.

And he adds, “We have many politicians in public and popular representation positions who were imposed by criminals even through the murder of their rivals in the partisan contest.”

Criminals impose “their law”

It also ensures that criminals can impose “their law” in many territories of the nation with the so-called “floor right” and even demand percentages of public resources from municipal budgets and state and federal perks.

And remember that the agreements and pacts with criminals at the national level imposed the public security policy of the Federal Government in which the slogan of “Hugs, not bullets” prevailed.

“National Security Strategy”

After taking office, President Claudia Sheinbaum presented a document titled “National Security Strategy” with four “Axes”.

1.- Attention to the causes
2.- Consolidation of the National Guard
3.- Strengthening intelligence and research
4.- Consolidation of the Security Cabinet in coordination with the States


The Observatory makes four important points to Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s National Public Security Program.

Firstthe most absolute secrecy with which the alleged National Security Program and its Strategy with its “Four Axes” were designed, makes it an exclusive creation of the government, without considering in the least any social or civil participation or initiative, particularly of victims of crime and delinquency.

All this just when the National Peace Dialogue demonstrated that all sectors of the country are willing to participate in matters of Security and Peace.

Secondthat the so-called National Public Security Strategy of the new government is a carbon copy of the previous government’s policy, in which the ruling party’s panegyrists believe they see important variables in “the emphasis of intelligence actions” that will allow a gradual substitution of “hugs to crime” for greater effectiveness in the prevention and prosecution of crime and criminals.

He third component is that this Security Plan is applied when the constitutional reform in which the National Guard is assigned to the Secretariat of National Defense has already been completed, breaking the scheme of a Democratic Republic, in which Public Security is a Responsibility and a Civil Nature Structure for the Security and Protection of Citizens against crime or abuse of power.

Roomthis security project and strategy does not refer in any way to shared responsibilities at the international level, such as that referred to organized crime cartels.

It seems that the Federal Government does not have the slightest sense of international responsibility. There is no mention of international collaboration, cooperation and coordination, despite all the treaties, responsibilities and commitments signed by Mexico, the CNL analysis ensures.

In this sense, a true change in the Strategy and its Axes is not visualized, since it is a very minor change in “the form”, but not in “the substance”.

Lack of dialogue with civil society

What is striking is the lack of dialogue with civil society which has been completely ignored. On the contrary, they have continued with the former president’s verbosity regarding the issue of security, blaming the Calderón War and the neoliberals for everything that happens, the analysis points out.

And he agrees with “the critics of the new government of the Fourth Transformation, with Claudia Sheinbaum at the head, therefore, in matters of Peace and Security for citizensis born with national hope canceled.”

Judicial power in the hands of the government

It will be very interesting for Mexican citizens and their families (in the immediate future), to observe what will be of their rights to peace and security with a Judicial power in the hands of the governmentas well as with a Complete and fully militarized National Guard.

They mow down entire families

The recent episodes in which the Army and National Guard have riddled with entire familiesincluding the infamous murder of babies, boys and girls, as well as young people, women, and even pregnant women. And all for the simple fact of not comply with the military order to stop their vehiclesas has recently happened in Tamaulipas, Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Chiapas and other states of the republic.

That is the Mexico that López Obrador has left and that Sheinbaum Pardo takes over.

Below is the full text of the document:

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