CNE relocated 31 voting centers two days before the presidential elections

  • Rector Aime Nogal reported that the changes were due to “logistical” reasons without going into details. So far, the organization has not made an official statement on the matter.

The head of the National Electoral Council (CNE) Aime Nogal reported on July 26 that 31 voting centers were relocated two days before the presidential elections in Venezuela. These changes were made in some schools located in 14 states of the country.

On its X account (formerly Twitter), it indicated that these were “logistical relocations,” although it did not elaborate on the reasons that led to the decision. So far, the CNE has not made any statement on the matter, nor has it even officially reported the changes of centers.

The announcement came hours after the installation of the voting tables for the elections began, as well as the preparation of the centers for the day of July 28. The president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, reported that by the afternoon more than 90% of the tables had been installed without problems, a figure that was also validated by the opposition command. Only in remote entities, such as Amazonas and Delta Amacuro, had the arrival of the electoral material been confirmed for July 27.

The centers

According to Rector Nogal, the relocated voting centers are:


– Elias Toro National Elementary Schoollocated in the El Valle parish. The Juan España Robinsoniana District Technical Commercial School was relocated. It is located on Anzoátegui Street in the Longaray sector, near the National Land Transit Institute on the intercommunal avenue of El Valle.


– Merepure Bolivarian Schoolin the Ciudad Bolivia parish of the Pedraza municipality. The Merepure outpatient clinic was relocated, facing the main road.

– La Tigra II National Concentrated Schoolin the Páez parish of the Pedraza municipality. The La Unión de La Tigra Fishermen’s Communal House was relocated, opposite the La Gabarra pass.


– Gentle Wind Elementary Schoolin the La Pastora parish of the Acosta municipality. The Viento Suave type I rural outpatient clinic was relocated to the entrance of La Pastora, on the Capadare highway.

– El Guanábano National Schoolin the Zazarida parish of the Zamora municipality. The rural clinic type I Simpucio Ramones was relocated to the main street of the El Guanábano sector.


– The Bank of Guanapein the Altagracia de Orituco parish, Monagas municipality. The Bolivarian Basic School GC-01 was relocated to the main street of the Orocollal hamlet.

– Charco Verde Mission Basein the Guayabal parish of the San Gerónimo municipality. The José Félix Ribas Educational Unit was relocated to Las Majadas road in the community of San Geranio.


– José Félix Ribas Initial Education Centerin the Union parish of the Iribarren municipality. The UEN Los Crepúsculos was relocated to street 1 of the urbanization of the same name.

– Andrés Eloy Blanco National Elementary Schoolin the Guerrera Ana Soto parish of the Iribarren municipality. The Andrés Eloy Blanco Early Childhood Education Center was relocated to the community center in front of the Rafael Caldera neighborhood community center.

– Las Axaguas Participation Center 2 Valle Lindoin the José G. Bastidas parish of the Palavecino municipality. The Egilda Pastora Pérez CEI was relocated to the intercommunal avenue in the Maximino Rojas sector.


– El Viento Bolivarian Educational Unit and the Los Curos State Elementary Schoolin the Guaimaral parish of the Arzobispo Chacón municipality. Both were relocated to the La Vega State School, on the main road in El Viento.


– El Trigo Community Housein the Los Teques parish of the Guaicaipuro municipality. The Francisco Espejo State Educational Unit was relocated to Páez Street, near the Trigo Dorado residential complex.

– Francisco Linares Alcántara Private Educational Unitin the Santa Teresa del Tuy parish in the Independencia municipality. The Ezequiel Zamora School Group was relocated to Andrés Bello Street in the city center.

– Catholic Chapel from Santa Teresa del Tuy, Independencia municipality. The UEE Gran Mariscal Antonio José de Sucre was relocated to the main street Guaicaipuro.

– EU Holy Mary Schoolin the Petare parish of the Sucre municipality. It was relocated to the Cecilio Acosta Study Center, in the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of La California.

– Aminta Preschool from Manzanillain Petare. The Amalivac Preschool was relocated to Urimare Street in El Marqués.

– EU Jose Maria Vargasin Carrizal. The Agricultural Technical School was relocated to the Villa Josefina sector of the highway to San Diego de los Altos.


– Las Trincheras Bolivarian Rural Concentrated School and La Fragua Bolivarian Schoolin the San Lorenzo parish of the Montes municipality. Both were relocated to the Isaías Ruíz de Coronado Bolivarian High School, on the main street of San Lorenzo.

– Diego de Vallenilla Bolivarian High Schoolin the Cumanacoa parish of the Montes municipality. The CEI La Alborada was relocated to Las Flores Street.

– Luis Beltran Sanabria Bolivarian High School, in Cumanacoa. It was relocated to the CEI Luis Felipe Brión, on Las Flores Street.


– Independence Labor Schoolin Capacho Nuevo. The IEE Douglas Casique was relocated between streets 6 and 7 of Carrera 5, Centro sector.

– Andrés Bello CEIin the Pedro María Morantes parish of the San Cristóbal municipality. The Los Pirineos Children’s House was relocated to the Cantv in the Pirineos I sector.


– Bolivarian Village La Pazin the La Paz parish of the Pampán municipality. The Simón Bolívar School was relocated to the Llanos de Moray urbanization.


– Udón Pérez State Elementary Schoolin the Found parish of the Catatumbo municipality. The Isaías Boscán Bolivarian School was relocated next to the Benito Puche school.

– UEE Rodolfo Segundo Valbuenain Encuentrados. The Chona Mochilera State Elementary School was relocated to the Mochilero sector of Caña Dulce, on the road to Encuentrados.


– Alto Parima mobile centerin the Fernando Girón Tovar parish of the Atures municipality. The CNE indicated that it will now be in another mobile center, located in the Alimentos Amazona building in the Alto Parima urbanization.

– Airport Breezes, in the Luis Alberto Gómez parish of the Atures municipality. It was relocated to the El Mácaro Rural Pedagogical Institute, in front of the Cacique Aramare airport.

Delta Amacuro:

– EU Maria del Jesus Almeidain the Manuel Piar parish of the Casacoima municipality. The Carlito González indoor gym was relocated to Progreso Street in the Brisas del Triunfo sector.

New Sparta:

– Ali Primera Cultural Foundationin the Pampatar parish of the Maneiro municipality. The Barrio Adentro Dr. Alfredo Marín Mission was relocated to 2 Las Palmas Avenue in the Jóvito Villalba sector.

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#CNE #relocated #voting #centers #days #presidential #elections
2024-07-27 05:03:06



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