CNDP session: The Prime Minister welcomes the peaceful atmosphere that prevailed during the work of this session

Prime Minister Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou praised the peaceful atmosphere and the frank dialogue that prevailed during the work of the session of the National Political Dialogue Council (CNDP) which took place this Friday, March 24, 2023 at the Niamey Congress Palace.

After examining the items on the agenda, CNDP President Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou greeted all the participants for their presence at this session held in a holy month of Ramadan.

Thus, he said, ” during this meeting we examined the general report of the work of the ad hoc committee which was set up to revise the decree creating the CNDP and its rules of procedure ”.

”This committee made recommendations to us including, among others, concerning the first text, it is the project creating the CNDP, of which a certain number of articles have been revised compared to what existed in the old text. and which actually dated from the period when the opposition did not participate in the work,” he explained.

At this level, ”we have a project which has been adopted with some minor modifications. This project will be sent to the government for adoption,” he said.

For the second text, it is regarding the rules of procedure of the CNDP which, also, is related to the revision of the decree establishing the CNDP, there also the session modified certain articles and that was the subject of a consensus.
Moreover, what should be noted as a major innovation is that from now on the meetings of the CNDP will be consecrated by minutes which will be signed by the representatives of the various groups of the political parties.

”Also, we indicated that in the convocations of the CNDP, it will always be following consultation with the political parties of the majority as well as the opposition” he underlined.

Also, ”it is provided for the possibility that the groups of a certain number of political parties can take the initiative to request an extraordinary session of the CNDP and when this percentage of political parties request the convening of the extraordinary session, the Prime Minister will convene the session,” the prime minister said before announcing that they also looked at some of the recommendations that were made by the committee.

Among the recommendations, ”the first relates to the reorganization of the CNDP secretariat in order to make it more efficient and to be able to produce reports and minutes practically in real time” revealed the Head of Government.

The second, as for it, concerns the modification of the charter and the electoral code to take into account first of all the fact that currently ”we have non-affiliated parties for which there have been many discussions since the non-affiliation of parties policies has, all the same, a limit, and it is also necessary to specify at what moment a party must be considered as affiliated” underlined the president of the CNDP.

Similarly, there are a number of inconsistencies that appear in the charter and in the electoral code, particularly with regard to the accounting of political parties, their financing and the declaration of the assets of political party officials to the courts of accounts.
”At this level, we have therefore proposed that these recommendations be approved and that the committee which has already been set up to reflect on the financing of political parties and on the subsidy of the latter, that this committee be able to look into the revision of the charter and the electoral code,” he said.

It should be noted that this work took place in a peaceful framework and frank dialogue between the various stakeholders and always in a spirit of consensus, according to the president of the CNDP.



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