“Closure risk” –

The Americans tighten the purse strings and Ultima Generazione risks closing. The parable of the eco-activists who became famous for the systematic defacement of works of art and monuments, the roadblocks and the various initiatives throughout Italy against institutional offices and luxury shops could be in its descending phase. This was revealed by sources within the environmental movement from which, Adnkronos reports, the news leaked that the CEF is about to cut the funds destined for the Italian movement of climate activists. What is the CEF? It is the Climate Emergency Fund, an American platform that collects donations for nonviolent actions of civil disobedience in order to promote the urgency of government interventions against climate change.

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The Italian group, Ultima generazione, benefits from these donations, which are essential to organize the activity and support the activists on trial. But now the US power plant has decided to allocate more resources to projects in America and the cut in this funding could lead to the disappearance of the Italian movement due to lack of funds. Among the Italian eco-activists there is “dismay” and “concern”, reports the background in which the prospect of a closure of the heirs of Greta Thunberg in Italy is anything but remote.

#Closure #risk #Tempo
2024-07-04 14:55:02

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