Closing the Cancer Gap: Increase in Cancer Risk Among Women in France

2023-07-08 09:20:00

The content of the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin (BEH) shows that the risk of cancer increased by 47% in women between 1990 and 2023 in France.

The gap is closing

The BEH was carried out in collaboration with Public Health France, the National Cancer Institute, the network of registers of cancers Francim and the biostatistics-bioinformatics department of the Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL).
The content of the bulletin, published on Tuesday July 4, showed that the number of men with cancers is higher with 245,610 new cases estimated in 2023, compared to 187,526 in women. However, the gap between the two sexes tends to narrow in France, according to the BEH.
Between 1990 and 2023, the cancer risk increased by 47% among women while this percentage is “onlyby 20% in men.

The types of cancer concerned

An increase of 4.3% per year in the number of cancers of the lung is observed in women while this has decreased by 0.5% in men. That of the lip-mouth-pharynx also increased by 1.3% for them, and fell by 2.1% for their male counterparts. Specialists have also observed an increase in cancers colorectal in women with 0.4% against a decrease of 0.5% in men. As to cancers liver, the percentage is stable in men while that of women is up 2.2%.

The number one preventable risk factor for cancer

According to the BEH authors, the main explanatory factor for this increase is smoking among women. “Tobacco is the number one preventable risk factor for cancer“, recalled Florence Molini, president of Francim. In 1974, the gap in tobacco consumption between men and women was 31 points, with 59% of smokers for “only” 28% of women smokers. At present, this difference is only 5.7 points (27.4% of daily smoking on the male side, against 21.7% on the female side). In addition to the cancers of the lung, tobacco consumption could lead to those of the esophagus, pancreas or lip-mouth-pharynx.

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> To read also: Breast cancer: a promising treatment would reduce the risk of recurrence by 25%

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