Closing Price of Luxembourg Stock Exchange on October 17, 2023: Announcement and Notification Requirements

2023-10-17 19:21:02

Closing price LUXEMBOURG STOCK EXCHANGE 00:00:00 17/10/2023 Varia. 5 years Varia. Jan 1 31.00 EUR 0.00% 0.00% +53.47%

October 17, 2023 at 9:21 p.m.

Form for the notification referred to in articles 3(1) and 10(1) of the law of July 21, 2012

relating to the squeeze-out and compulsory redemption of company securities

admitted or having been admitted to trading on a regulated market

or having been the subject of a public offer (hereinfollowing, the “Withdrawal Redemption Law”)

1. Identity of the issuer or underlying issuer of existing securities carrying voting rightsi:

Société Financière des Caoutchoucs (“SOCFIN”), a public limited company under Luxembourg law, having its registered office at 4 avenue Guillaume, L-1650 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B5937.

2. Identity of the majority shareholderii:

Administration and Finance Corporation (AFICO), a public limited company, having its registered office at 4 avenue Guillaume, L-1650 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B5920 (“AFICO” ), whose email contact address is, holding 2,920,119 SOCFIN shares representing 20.62% of the voting rights;

3. Identity of persons acting in concert with the majority shareholderiii:

Mr. Hubert Fabri, born January 28, 1952, in Uccle (Belgium), of Belgian nationality, and domiciled in Rougemont (Switzerland), whose email contact address is, holding 35.9% of SOCFIN shares representing 5,083,420 voting rights; Bolloré Participations SE, European company, with its head office in Odet, 29500 Ergué Gaberic, France, registered with the Trade and Commerce Register
Quimper companies under number 352 730 394, whose contact email address is, holding 1,000 SOCFIN shares representing 0.01% of voting rights; Compagnie de l’Odet, European company, with its head office in Odet, 29500 Ergué Gaberic, France, registered with the Quimper Trade and Companies Register under number 056 801 046, whose contact email address is Francois., holding 5,534 SOCFIN shares representing 0.04% of voting rights; Bolloré SE, European company, with its head office in Odet, 29500 Ergué Gaberic, France, registered with the Quimper Trade and Companies Register under number 055 804 124, whose contact email address is francois.warken@arendt .com, holding 2,110,698 SOCFIN shares representing 14.91% of voting rights; Compagnie du Cambodge, public limited company with a management board and supervisory board, having its head office at 31-32 quai de Dion Bouton, 92800 Puteaux, France,


registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 552 073 785, whose contact email address is, holding 1,747,220 SOCFIN shares representing 12.34% of the voting rights;

Technifin SA, public limited company, with its head office at rue des Pilettes 3, c/o Fiduconsult Conseils & Gestion SA, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland, registered with the Commercial Register of the canton of Friborg under number 102.943.114, whose contact email address is, holding 1,416,062 SOCFIN shares representing 10% of voting rights; Plantations des Terres Rouges SA, public limited company, having its registered office at 43 boulevard Prince Henri, L-1724 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B71965, whose address electronic contact is, holding 268,080 SOCFIN shares representing 1.89% of voting rights; and Compagnie des Glénans, simplified joint stock company, having its head office in Odet, 29500 Ergué Gaberic, France, registered with the Trade and Commerce Register
Quimper companies under number 352 778 187, whose contact email address is, holding 80,000 SOCFIN shares representing 0.56% of voting rights.

4. Reason for notification (check the appropriate box(es):

[ ] the declarant is a majority shareholder as of October 1, 2012 (date of entry into force of the Withdrawal Redemption Law)iv;

[ ] the declarant becomes a majority shareholder following a transaction;

[ ] the declarant is a majority shareholder who falls below one of the thresholds indicated in article 1(1) of the Redemption Withdrawal Law;

[X] the declarant is a majority shareholder who makes an additional acquisition of securities of the company concerned.

5. Date and description of the transaction which triggered the notification obligation:

On October 11, 2023, October 12, 2023, October 13, 2023 and October 16, 2023 AFICO acquired 73,162 SOCFIN shares through purchases of SOCFIN shares on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

6. Terms of holding securitiesvi:

The persons mentioned under 2. and 3. hold SOCFIN shares directly.

SOCFIN shares are currently in registered form.


7. Notification Details:

A. Capital with voting rightsvii

Indication of the total amount of the company’s capital taken as a basis for calculation:

The capital of SOCFIN amounts to EUR 24,779,510 and is represented by 14,159,720 shares without designation of nominal value.

Previous situation

to the operation which

Situation following the operation which triggered

sets off

the notification obligation (including the voting rights of

Titles1 (identified

the obligation to

the shareholder and other members of the concert)


by their code

ISIN, the register

Capital amount


matched capital


you capital

nominative or


rights of

voting rightsviii

with voting rightsix

other criteria











EUR 23.728.199,25






13.558.971 actions











represented by 13,632,133




13.558.971 actions

B. Voting rights

Indication of the total amount of voting rights of the company taken as a basis for calculation: 14,159,720 shares

Previous situation

Post-transaction situation

to the transaction

Titles2 (identified

having given rise to the notification obligation (including

having led

by their code

the obligation to

voting rights of the shareholder and other members of the


ISIN, the register


nominative or

other criteria

Number of rights

Number of voting rights

Percentage of rights




Note: please confirm the method of holding the shares by the majority shareholders. See note 1 above.







13.558.971 actions


96,27 %



13.558.971 actions

13.632.133 actions

96,27 %

8. Additional information (if applicable):


Done in Luxembourg, October 17, 2023


Indicate the full name of the legal entity (including legal form) or provide another reliable and accurate method of identifying the issuer and, where applicable, the underlying issuer. Indicate, as appropriate, the full name of (a) the natural person or (b) the legal entity (including legal form), including address and electronic contact details. Indicate, as appropriate, the full name of (a) the natural person(s) or (b) the legal entity(ies) (including legal form), including address and electronic contact details. In this case, point 5. concerning the data of the operation which triggered the notification obligation becomes irrelevant. The same applies to the data required by the tables under the columns entitled “Situation prior to the operation which triggered the notification obligation”. The detailed situation relating to the participation held can simply be summarized under the columns of these tables entitled “Situation subsequent to the transaction which triggered the notification obligation”. In principle, the date on which the threshold is reached or exceeded is the effective date of the acquisition, sale or the effective date of any other transaction the result of which is the holding of securities by the shareholder. Indicate whether the securities are held directly or indirectly as well as the form (electronic, registered, bearer) of holding the securities. If the securities are not held directly, all natural or legal persons through whom the securities are held must be specified. As a basis for calculating the securities which confer 95% of the capital carrying voting rights, it is necessary to take all the securities to which voting rights are attached in the company concerned, including certificates representing shares to which the possibility is attached. to give a voting instruction (whether the right to vote is suspended or not). This calculation basis must not include securities which may potentially be issued in the future following the exercise or conversion of other transferable securities due to the fact that no voting rights are attached to these transferable securities on the date notification. It should be noted, however, that the very issue of such new securities subsequently may give rise to a notification obligation. The holding arrangements can result in both direct and indirect holding of securities. In this case it is necessary to distribute the amounts in the respective columns. If the detention is exclusively direct or indirect, do not enter anything in the not applicable column. If indirect ownership occurs through several people with multiple levels of participation, it may be useful to insert an explanatory table under point 6. The result of the division must be rounded to the second decimal place following the decimal point. The basis for calculating voting rights is by analogy with the requirements of point 7.A. for all data in table B.



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SOCFIN – Société Financière des Caoutchoucs SA published this content on 17 October 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 17 October 2023 19:20:33 UTC.

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Société Financière des Caoutchoucs specializes in the production of palm oil and rubber. Turnover by activity is distributed as follows: – palm oil production (56.1%); – rubber production (30.6%); – others (13.3%). The geographical distribution of turnover is as follows: Europe (8.3%), Asia (49.9%), Africa (37.8%) and America (4%).

More information regarding Varia. Jan. 1 Capi. (M$) +53.47% $463M-8.82% $6,135M-2.96% $5,111M+19.31% $5,076M+6.00% $2,456M 0, 00% $1,729 M+10.07% $1,465 M-10.28% $883 M+20.09% $851 M-13.13% $785 M Manufacture of starch, fat and vegetable oil

#Societe #Financiere #des #Caoutchoucs #Press #release #October #p.m



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