Closing Data Gaps: Canadian Cancer Society and Partnership’s Efforts to Improve Cancer Prevention and Care

2023-07-18 16:32:47

Canadian Cancer Society and Canadian Partnership Against Cancer report on other data gaps, including on risk factors to guide cancer prevention efforts, patient experiences and social determinants of health .

The groups also want patients’ primary care records to be linked to lab and treatment data so care teams can easily and quickly access test results and documents about cancer, which they say is the leading cause of death in Canada.

They say more data would help researchers contribute to clinical trials and administrators could better plan resources, especially in underserved communities.

The report calls on Statistics Canada and the Canadian Institute for Health Information to work with provinces and territories to create and maintain a system that would analyze data for various demographic groups.

They plan to release more details on a pan-Canadian data strategy later this year after further consultations with First Nations, Inuit and Métis to help develop culturally safe care practices and health data governance.

#Groups #call #cancer #data

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