Climate referendum starts with “Future Alliance” dialogue offensive | Climate referendum

2024-02-16 18:41:40

Vienna (OTS) –

Radical sticking campaigns, moral appeals and widespread strikes have led to polarization among the population in recent months. The constructive and quick solutions that a (climate) crisis demands are not possible in this way. The “Future Alliance” founded by the climate referendum has examined the modern middle of society with the support of market research and climate science and will enter into dialogue with it from now on. This results in an overall “future plan for the population”.

Vienna, February 16, 2024

Young couples and families in Austria want to get along well with what they have and take advantage of opportunities to get ahead. At the same time, the so-called adaptive-pragmatic middle of society is very afraid of the climate crisis. This is shown by studies by INTEGRAL market research institute¹. The current climate communication narratives increase fears instead of showing the concrete benefits of climate-friendly action. New narratives are needed to appeal to the modern middle.

Future Alliance addresses climate benefits

The climate referendum takes up this issue and, together with INTEGRAL market research, has analyzed how the sinus milieu of the modern middle can be integrated. The Sinus-Milieus® social model brings together people with similar values ​​and a comparable social situation. These values ​​influence lifestyles and behaviors. The model gets to the heart of attitudes and shows historical developments and future trends. Under the umbrella of the “Future Alliance”, the climate referendum is now launching a dialogue offensive with cooperation partners from the religious and social sectors such as the Red Cross and Caritas as well as prominent personalities. The focus is on the ideas and solutions of the population.

“In the Future Alliance we unite the many visions in people’s minds into one big whole. Four years ago, we were the ones who addressed demands from the population to politicians with the climate referendum. Today we are taking climate protection back to the center – because without it the climate crisis cannot be overcome,” says Future Alliance spokesman Christian Kdolsky, explaining the motives and goals in a press conference.

“Our studies show that the current discussions on the climate crisis do not reach the modern middle. She rejects the denial or trivialization, but also feels overwhelmed by the demand for immediate, far-reaching change. In order to achieve climate change, it is essential that climate protection becomes mainstream and that this crucial milieu of the adaptive-pragmatic middle is brought on board,” says Bertram Barth, Managing Director of INTEGRAL Market Research.

Broad dialogue in over 30 communities

A positive vision that spans five important areas of life serves as the starting point for the discussions. From mid-February to June, conversations with the modern center will be held in over 30 communities and online formats. Gradually, additions are added to the vision. At the end, the results of the dialogues are compiled by a scientific advisory board into a “population future plan”. This is intended to provide guidance for political decisions.

Future plan shows political will from the center

“The scientific evidence on the various options for action is on the table, but implementation requires a broad consensus. The direct discussions show which steps have support among the Austrian population. The Future Alliance is thus making an important contribution to a constructive, solution-oriented discussion before the coming elections,” concludes Daniel Huppmann, scientist at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and co-author of the IPCC reports.

[¹] Source: INTEGRAL market research, Sinus-Milieu Update May 2022, n=1,500 online interviews in the Austrian population aged 16-75.

About the future alliance

The Future Alliance was founded by the climate referendum to bring climate protection back into the middle of society. The focus is on dialogue with the population, representatives from communities, organizations, churches and companies. To this end, the Future Alliance has drawn up a positive vision that shows the benefits of actively shaping climate issues in five areas of life. The results of the dialogue formats will be compiled into a future plan for the population by mid-2024 with the involvement of a scientific advisory board.

On the climate referendum

The climate referendum has been pushing forward bold climate policy for four years. Around 400,000 people signed the referendum, and the motion for a resolution in parliament on the demands made it a historic success. But there is still a lack of implementation and too little is happening in climate policy. The legal framework is needed to ensure that we and our children have a fair and worth living future. The numerous volunteers behind the climate referendum are working tirelessly to achieve this.

Questions & Contact:

Press contact

Andreas Köhazy | Lisa-Maria Kolb
Head of communication for the climate referendum
+43 677 63 751 340


#Climate #referendum #starts #Future #Alliance #dialogue #offensive #Climate #referendum



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