Climate experts: The situation is scary!

In the first part of its fifth report, which was published on September 27, 2013, the International Panel on Climate Change predicted that global warming would increase from 0.3 to 4.8 degrees Celsius by the year 2100.

Leading international climate experts predict that humanity will face extreme weather events more often in the future, unless it can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the foreseeable future.

Among these are researchers from Harvard and Washington Universities who warned in 2023 that “the temperature situation on Earth will worsen by the end of this century, to the point that it will become dangerous to the lives of billions of people in different parts of the planet.” Deadly heat will become common in Europe and North America, and residents of countries near the equator will not be able to stay outdoors for any length of time during the six warmest months of the year. “By the year 2100, there will be many places on Earth where being outdoors will be dangerous to health and life.”

The Russian academic specializing in environmental affairs and life support systems, Sergei Ogorodnikov, points out that “97% of climate publications talk about global warming. The average annual temperature on the planet is rising, and the level of the world’s oceans is rising. So the water level rose from 1900 to 2016 by 16-21 centimetres. “The opinions of scientists differ only in assessing the rate of change and predicting the consequences.”

The international report on climate change indicated, in addition to the unprecedented increase in temperature rates by 2100, that the ice in the Arctic will completely melt before the middle of the current century, which will lead to a significant increase in the water level in the oceans.

A new study by researchers from the German Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research stated that climate change will reduce future global income by about 19% in the next 25 years, indicating at the same time that the poorest regions and those least responsible for heating the atmosphere will suffer the greatest financial blow.

Economic losses resulting from climate change are estimated by these scientists at approximately $38 trillion annually by 2049.

Climatologist Leonie Wiens, who participated in this study, said: “Our analysis shows that climate change will cause enormous economic damage over the next 25 years in almost all countries around the world, as well as in highly developed countries such as Germany and the United States, with lower average incomes.” Expected by 11% each and France by 13%.”

This German study expected that the world’s poorest countries would suffer a 61% greater income loss than the richest countries.

American Future Resources economist Matthew Weppenmeyer also expects that catastrophic fire incidents will increase by 2100 by up to 50 percent globally, including high risks in areas that were not previously exposed to fires.

A specialized study published in the prestigious scientific journal The Lancet stated that global warming will kill more and more people, and “129,000 people could die annually from heat if the temperature rises by 3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.” The current number of heat-related deaths in Europe is 44,000.”

The study expects that deaths caused by high daytime temperatures in Europe will triple by the end of the century, and in southern European countries such as Italy, Greece and Spain, this number may become disproportionately high, and the annual total number of deaths caused by cold and heat in Europe may rise. From 407,000 people today to 450,000 in 2100, even if world leaders achieve their goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.”

Source: RT

#Climate #experts #situation #scary
2024-09-27 18:49:14



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