Climate Change Mitigation, Which State-Owned Enterprises Routinely Rehabilitate Mangroves? – 2024-07-27 05:28:07

Pelindo’s cooperation agreement with several ministries to rehabilitate mangroves (Doc)

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) supports Indonesia’s climate change mitigation actions through the protection of blue carbon ecosystems.

This support is realized by signing a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves), Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the form of a Social and Environmental Responsibility Program (TJSL), which focuses on mangrove rehabilitation in order to fulfill the target of the National Mangrove Rehabilitation Program.

Head of Pelindo’s TJSL Program Department, Febrianto Zenny Sulistyo said, this support is a manifestation of Pelindo’s commitment to contribute to climate change mitigation and environmental protection, especially related to blue carbon. Mangrove rehabilitation is not only important for absorbing carbon but also for maintaining the balance of coastal ecosystems that have a direct impact on the lives of people around the coast.

“Pelindo always supports initiatives that focus on environmental conservation and sustainable development. Pelindo is the first BUMN to participate in the MoU and PKS for Mangrove Rehabilitation with 3 Ministries since 2021 and continues to maintain its commitment to date. Hopefully, this effort will inspire more parties to participate in efforts to conserve and restore the blue carbon ecosystem and to help achieve government programs, especially in supporting the National Blue Carbon Action Partnership,” said Febrianto after signing the PKS in Jakarta, Thursday (25/7).

Indonesia is committed to supporting the UNFCCC Paris Agreement to limit the increase in global average temperatures to 1.5°C by increasing its nationally determined contribution (NDC) target.

In the latest NDC, Indonesia is committed to increasing its greenhouse gas emission reduction target from 29 percent to 31.89 percent through national support, and from 41 percent to 43.20 percent with international support. Indonesia has the largest mangrove ecosystem area in the world with 3.31 million hectares, which covers about 20 percent of the world’s total mangrove area. Meanwhile, the seagrass ecosystem in Indonesia covers about 1.8 million hectares.

Also read: Support Go Green Pelindo IV Plant a Thousand Mangroves in MNP

Mangroves and seagrasses in Indonesia store around 3.14 billion metric tons of carbon, which is equivalent to 17 percent of the carbon stored in the earth’s coastal ecosystems. In addition to their great ability to capture and store carbon in their sediments, these ecosystems also provide many other benefits such as coastal protection, habitat for biodiversity, feeding grounds for many valuable marine species, and socio-ecological and tourism services.

Febrianto added, as a BUMN in the port services sector, Pelindo focuses on realizing a national maritime ecosystem network, through increasing connectivity and service integration to support Indonesia’s economic growth.

“But on the other hand, we also have the task of supporting government programs in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), especially in the fields of education, economic empowerment, and environmental sustainability,” he said.

Along with the signing of the PKS, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment also held a talk show and discussion themed “Strengthening Indonesia’s Climate Action Achievement through Blue Carbon Ecosystem Protection”. This activity aims to disseminate information on national climate targets in efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. (Z-8)

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