Climate change: Heatwaves now recognised as a cause of technological unemployment in construction industry

2024-07-09 07:32:00

Due to climate change, Heatwave One of the recognized reasons for bad weather entering France Technological unemployment for construction worker.

“inside Phthalic acidhas a system dating back to the late 1940s that keeps people out of work during frosts, floods, high winds.” Thus compensating employees who were forced to put down their spatulas, but until now “The heatwave is not part of it,” He pointed out.

Orange or red heat wave alert

Compensation by “National Excess Compensation Fund” Full of “Contribution of bad weather” Paid by the construction company.

When Météo-France issues an orange or red heatwave alert, ‘Work must stop’according to Mr. Blanchard, who said the employee was Compensation starts from the next day and Almost a continuation of salary.

If she welcomes this “Major improvements in the health and lives of construction workers”CFDT believes it is just a “The first stage”.

Thermal peak not integrated

Because the Act does not incorporate “Heat Peak”that is to say Episodes that last only a day or two According to Mr Blanchard, (the yellow heatwave alert) the company can maintain on-site activities during this period.

The union member wants to see that flexibility scrapped because he believes the high temperatures pose a risk to workers in an industry that is particularly prone to accidents.

Blanchard stressed that despite companies’ obligations to schedule work hours, provide full-body clothing and provide workers with fresh water, risks still exist.

There is a danger that: “This person made a Discomfortmaybe because the weather is too hot, the attention is reduced” and increases the risk Chute He explained that excessive height is one of the leading causes of death.

No increase in donations

Enterprise Supplementary Compensation “It used to be mainly used in winter, but now it is less used,” According to Mr. Blanchard.

Therefore, including heat waves in the scope of severe weather will not result in an increase in employer contributions; “Transfer” Those planned Snow and Frost Episodewhich is now less common in France.

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