Climate bonus: Payment starts on 2 September

According to the Climate Ministry, more than 90 percent of all those entitled to it are already receiving it directly. The basic amount this year is 145 euros, and including the regional compensation, the payment levels are 145, 195, 245 and 290 euros. Around 2.1 million transfers are planned every day this year. This means that the payments should be made within the first week. In the first year, there were only 300,000 transactions per day.

At the same time, postal deliveries will start in the first week of September. The number of vouchers sent by post has been reduced by around a third since the start of the climate bonus. According to the ministry, this corresponds to a saving of around 400,000 letters.

847,000 letters

This year, around 847,000 RSa and RSb letters will be delivered personally. This should take around eight weeks, it was said.

Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) praised the payment of the climate bonus as “one of the largest digitalization projects in the country.” Over 7.8 million citizens will have it transferred directly to their accounts within a few days – “without them having to do anything for it,” said Gewessler: “That’s something to be proud of across Europe.”



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