Clerics in Tasikmalaya City Agree to Nominate KH Aminudin Bustomi to Run in 2024 Regional Elections

KH Aminudin Bustomi received the trust of the clerics in Tasikmalaya City to run in the 2024 Pilkada (MI/KRISTIADI)

The Masyayikh Assembly and leaders of Islamic boarding schools throughout Tasikmalaya City have agreed to provide support to KH Aminudin Bustomi to run as a candidate for Mayor of Tasikmalaya.

The Head of the Tasikmalaya City Islamic Boarding School Forum (FPP), KH Nono Nurul Hidayat said that his party had held a gathering between the leaders of Islamic boarding schools throughout Tasikmalaya City. The Masyayikh Assembly and the leaders of Islamic boarding schools aligned the perceptions of the ulama in the 2024 Pilkada.

In the initial deliberation, the kiai and advisors were asked for advice. In the deliberation, it was finally agreed to support KH Aminudin Bustomi as a candidate for Mayor or Deputy Mayor of Tasikmalaya.

“The meeting was held to maintain the dignity of the kiai who are members of the FPP. The meeting discussed the wishes of the kiai until finally everyone agreed to support KH Aminudin Bustomi as a candidate for Mayor or Deputy Mayor of Tasikmalaya in the 2024 Pilkada,” he said.

Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Tasikmalaya City and also the Majelis Masyayikh, KH Acep Noor Mubarok said, the clerics must determine who the future leader will be. The name of KH Aminudin Bustomi was also raised.

“It’s up to you who he will pair up with. KH Aminudin is the choice of the leaders of Islamic boarding schools,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Al Azhar Egypt Alumni Association of West Java, KH Wawan Nawawi said that his party also agreed to the results of the meeting of the Majelis Masyayikh and the leaders of Islamic boarding schools throughout Tasikmalaya City. “We agree to support KH Aminudin Bustomi as a representative of the kiai to advance in the 2024 Pilkada. The kiai’s desire for leaders in Tasikmalaya City is none other than to realize the welfare of the community and maintain security,” he said.

He also invited all people to create a safe, peaceful, conducive atmosphere in the 2024 regional elections in Tasikmalaya City. “KH Aminudin Bustomi will be able to unite the strength of the people.”

#Clerics #Tasikmalaya #City #Agree #Nominate #Aminudin #Bustomi #Run #Regional #Elections



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