“Clear Images” – The Time

The Lega group leader in Massa, Filippo Frugoli, said he was attacked by PD councilor Stefano Alberti on the sidelines of a city council meeting. “I have a bruise on my neck, a bit of pain and fear, but it could have ended much worse,” Frugoli wrote on Facebook, adding that Alberti “should be ashamed” because “violence must never find a place in our work and in our society.” Now, the group leader of the party led by Matteo Salvini has decided “to proceed with a complaint against the Democratic Party city councilor Stefano Alberti. On Monday morning I will meet with my lawyer, Enzo Frediani, and we will proceed with the necessary actions. The threats and the aggression that I suffered inside the council chamber at the end of the last city council cannot be ignored or covered up,” he announced.

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“The statements released by the Democratic Party, by Councilor Alberti himself and by the Democratic Party group in the Regional Council in recent days require clarity and transparency. I cannot accept that versions are being spread that could distort what really happened. It is my duty, towards myself and towards those who believe in the truth, to bring the concrete facts to light. I have images and recordings that support my version and that demonstrate the sequence of events”, declared Frugoli. “My intention has never been to create controversy, but when you end up suffering threats and physical attacks in a place that should be dedicated to dialogue and civil debate, it becomes essential to take a firm position. My decision to report Alberti matured immediately, but also following the accusations that are being made against me in the latest statements by parts of the center-left”, explained the leader of the League group.

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Then, returning to the facts, he added: “During the last session of the City Council, I suffered a verbal and physical attack that cannot be ignored or reduced to a simple misunderstanding or a response to a provocation that was not initiated by me. The recordings and images we have collected are clear. I cannot tolerate that, on top of the damage suffered, the insult of being accused of saying wrong things is added. My personal integrity has been called into question and I do not intend to remain silent in the face of these slanders”. “We must ensure that episodes of this kind are not repeated. Every citizen has the right to feel safe and respected, especially within the institutions that should represent and protect them – concluded Frugoli – This affair has already sparked strong controversy. Now is the time to clarify and bring forward legal action to re-establish the facts. I trust that the truth will emerge and justice will take its course”.

#Clear #Images #Time
2024-07-28 06:07:59



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