Clean china with this method

Every home has a porcelain tableware for special occasions, but it can be worrying to use it because many do not know the method that should be used for their cleaning. When it comes to making sure your design doesn’t get broken and damaged, special measures should be considered. Fortunately, in this article, we will share with you the ways to make sure your china looks like new through the years.

Hand washing is your best bet when it comes to clean up your china plates. Despite the hardness of the material, porcelain plates are often brittle and easy to break. If you have no choice but to use a dishwasher, be sure not to overload the machine and only use liquid dishwasher-recommended detergents of this type. Keep in mind that not all porcelain dinnerware with gold or silver rims should only be washed by hand and following the advice we offer below.

How to wash china dishes

Hand wash your porcelain or ceramic dishes is the safest way to clean them. But there are a few things to keep in mind before you get started. Fluctuating temperatures can damage your dishes, so make sure the water you’re using to wash and rinse your dishes isn’t too hot. Also, avoid using strong detergents or bleach. You can clean your china dishes with baking soda or a combination of salt and vinegar.

Use baking soda

  • Paso 1: wear protective gloves. To avoid allergic reactions to the chemicals in the detergent, wear protective gloves.
  • Paso 2: sprinkle baking soda. To effortlessly remove oil stains and food marks from dishes, sprinkle baking soda onto a damp sponge. Now, rub this sponge gently on the stained dishes. Let this sit for about 5 minutes.
  • Paso 3: rinse with water. Rinse your dishes under running tap water. Make sure the flow of the water is not too strong.
  • Paso 4: wash with dishwashing liquid. Wash your dishes as you normally would with a mild detergent. Use a sponge to apply the detergent to your dishes. An abrasive cleaning scrub can scratch your dishes. Now rinse with normal tap water.

Use salt and vinegar

  • Paso 1: prepare a mixture of salt and vinegar. Mix equal parts of salt and vinegar in a bowl. You can use 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of vinegar for 2 dishes, and adjust the measure according to the number of dishes.
  • Paso 2: soak the dishes. Apply this paste on the stained area of ​​your dishes. Let it sit on the stains for about 10 minutes.
  • Paso 3: rinse the paste. Now gently rinse the pasta off your dishes under running water.
  • Paso 4: wash with dishwashing liquid. Wash your dishes as you normally would using dishwashing liquid. Wipe your dishes with a clean, dry cloth before putting them back on the kitchen shelf.

By following these steps you will be able to see how your porcelain and ceramic dishes are perfectly clean and should look like new for a long time. Just remember that when handling this type of dishes you cannot be distracted, although they are very beautiful, they are completely fragile and require your full attention.

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