Claudia Sheinbaum took office as the first female president of Mexico

Claudia Sheinbaum took office as the first female president of Mexico

The outgoing president, Andrés Manuel López Obrado, imposed the presidential sash on Sheinbaum / Photo: EFE

Claudia Sheinbaum took office this Tuesday as the first female president of Mexico for the six-year term from 2024 to 2030 in a ceremony in the Chamber of Deputies attended by almost twenty international leaders and hundreds of representatives of countries and multilateral organizations.

“Honorable Congress of the Union, people of Mexico, I protest to uphold and enforce the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the laws that emanate from it, and to loyally and patriotically carry out the position of president of the republic that the people have conferred on me. “Sheinbaum declared when taking the oath.

The outgoing president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (2018-2024), handed the presidential sash to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Ifigenia Martínez, who placed the tricolor garment on Sheinbaum, the first woman to govern the country after more than 200 years. years of being a republic.

Sheinbaum took office amid shouts of “president, president” and “it’s an honor to be with Claudia today!”, as an echo of “it’s an honor to be with Obrador!”

Mexico City / EFE

#Claudia #Sheinbaum #office #female #president #Mexico
2024-10-04 11:46:26



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