Claudia Sheinbaum minimizes transparency bodies

Claudia Sheinbaum minimizes transparency bodies

MEXICO CITY.- Claudia Sheinbaumvirtual president of Mexico, was questioned at a press conference by the Segalmex embezzlementone of the biggest corruption scandals of the administration of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

“I don’t know the subject,” he said when asked his position on the federal government’s decision to reserve information on the case for five years. Segalmex.

The virtual president insisted that she “does not know” the issue that information on the Segalmex controversy was reserved, while minimizing transparency bodies such as the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information (Henna).

Claudia Sheinbaum minimizes the INAI and transparency bodies

By evading answering regarding the information reservation of the Segalmex case for five yearsthe virtual president of Mexico said that “there must be transparency” in the country.

However, he said that “transparency institutes are not necessarily required for transparency to exist.”

She also said that Raquel Buenrostro, current Secretary of the Economy and future Secretary of Public Service in Sheinbaum’s government, is an “incorruptible woman” and “everyone knows it.”

“Beyond whether we formed, which was one of the ideas, that Anti-Corruption Agency […] Raquel is going to do a very good job,” he said.

President López Obrador has also attacked and minimized the work of the Hennawhose Plenary was left inoperative due to the lack of appointments of the pending commissioners, an obligation that corresponds to the Senatecurrently with a Morena majority.

Investigation of the Segalmex case is confidential

The Mexican government, through the Ministry of Finance, has withheld for five years the information generated during the working meetings of an inter-ministerial group on the multi-million dollar embezzlement of Segalmex.

This group had been formed with the aim of following up on the case and filing complaints with the General Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR).

In June 2023, the then public prosecutor, Felix Arturo Medina Padillaannounced that by presidential instruction an inter-secretarial working group was created to investigate the embezzlement at Segalmex.

A year later, the results of the group’s investigation have become a “state secret” since they have been classified as confidential information for a period of five years.

Claudia Sheinbaum minimizes transparency bodies

The inter-secretarial group was formed by the Ministry of the Interiorthe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Developmentthe Public Function Secretaryla SSecretariat of Security and Citizen Protectionthe Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) and Segalmex.

According to Medina Padilla in 2023, the group held 65 work meetings and filed 69 complaints with the FGR for the diversion of more than 15 billion pesos that occurred during the administration of Ignacio Ovalle as general director of Segalmex.

Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) requested via transparency a public version of all agreements, agendas and minutes that were generated in the group meetings, but They discovered that it had been reserved.

“Arguing that disclosing it, even in a public version, would put at risk the development of the investigations and due process, since the minutes include records of follow-up of investigation files and criminal proceedings,” he said. MCCI.

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#Claudia #Sheinbaum #minimizes #transparency #bodies
2024-07-17 09:09:39



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