Claudia Plakolm re-elected as JVP leader

In her speech before her election, Plakolm spoke out in favor of a partial right of co-determination for taxpayers over the use of their taxes, a “real” hire-purchase model and an expiration date for laws.

According to Plakolm, anyone who pays income tax should be able to dedicate ten percent of it to an area that is important to them – for example, education, digitization, public transport or the health system, she gave examples. This would be active participation and a strengthening of direct democracy. She also spoke out in favor of a “real” rent-to-own model. Interested parties would pay rent for five years, which would then be credited towards the purchase price – so less of their own capital would be needed to purchase property. This would be a viable option, especially in cooperative housing.

Image: JVP/Wagner


Re-elected with 99.5 percent: Claudia Plakolm.
Image: JVP/Wagner

Plakolm wants to add a “sunset clause” to laws. “Laws are a bit like the fridge or the pantry: you should check from time to time to see if everything is still fresh and not just grab something.” Plakolm also spoke out in favor of abolishing the property transfer tax.



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