Classified as the most beautiful scene in the history of Egyptian cinema.. starring Hind Sabri in a scene with Adel Emam, Kifaya Ya Pasha, I am still a girl in the movie “Resala to the Wali” .. Watch before deletion

Hend Sabry (November 20, 1979 -), a Tunisian-Egyptian actress, is best known for her work in Egypt.

She was born in the state of Kebili in Tunisia, and has been known since her participation in two cinematic films, Season of Men and Silence of Palaces, directed by Moufida Al-Tlatli. She caught the attention of director Enas El Degheidy, who invited her to Cairo and assigned her the starring role.

In the movie Teenage Diaries 2001, which tells the story of an Egyptian teenage girl through her memoirs, and this role is what gave her wide fame in the Arab world, and then her name shone with the multiplicity of her participation until she became one of the most important stars in Egyptian cinema.

Among the most famous works in which a citizen, a detective and a thief participated, directed by Dawood Abdel-Sayed, is the movie in which she repeated the presentation of exciting scenes, which would have limited her later to this type of role, had it not been for her remediation in subsequent films.

Among them are the movie I Want My Right, How Girls Love You and Ahla Al Oqat. In 2004, she won the Best Actress Award from the Egyptian Catholic Center, for her role in the movie The Best Times. In November 2007, she participated in the Damascus International Film Festival as a member of the jury for the feature film competition.



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