2023-09-29 03:30:00
Any double parking, prior and unpunished, at times of entry and exit of children to schools, is a violent daily difficulty.
Still prohibited, massive double-row discretionary parking (during peak times), in front of educational establishments, with its consequent consequences of congestion and insecurity, as well as other problems typical of arbitrary maneuvers or anarchic traffic that occur punctually and daily at the entrance and exit of the students; reveal the urgent need for schools or colleges, particularly their representatives, implement and encourage active, permanent and immediate road education and commitment.
All double parking, prior and unpunished, at the times of entry and exit of children to schools or colleges, already constitutes a violent daily difficulty in terms of a paradoxical educational institutional violence, without social responsibility.
We are faced with a chaotic and unfair issue, typical of parental, school institutional, municipal, etc. irresponsibility; as well as countless other factors that explain and predict it: lack of parking spaces, unavailability of accurate signage and signage, the haste and lack of squeamishness of parents to reach their places of employment; marked absence of the municipal police authority of timely application, lack of a complete civil public road awareness campaign – and still – of specific app applications available that, jointly and cooperatively, tend to correct and reverse these road anarchies and this terrible daily habit, during each educational period or school year.
Such traffic congestion that the situation generates also has an impact on the normal life of neighboring neighbors, their families or chores. Likewise, we must bear in mind the risk that it implies for the life of a child or young person when they decide to cross the road with a double and even triple row of cars obstructing vision and locomotionwithout doing so in places or road spaces authorized by local authorities such as corners, overhead road bridges, etc.
Double parking is a clear violation. Its daily recurrence aggravates it with risk for members of the educational community. but, also, an outrageous annoyance for those who do not belong to it and, circumstantially, exercising their constitutional right of free movement, are prevented from doing so by these already old and crafty practices of so many parents of students behind the wheel, who must give example, with complete lack of understanding they militate daily contraventions of elementary norms of coexistence and citizen circulation.
This road safety education, which for many educational establishments is part of their Institutional Project, is extended to parents as a way of contributing to adult awareness.
Preconclusively, A sustained and informed Official Road Safety Education should pedagogically permeate, with appropriate content, all levels of the Educational Community in colleges and schools.
Update, recycle and articulate official campaigns (We Continue Educating), National Road Safety Agency (ANSV), etc., linking road safety with education (with private programs (“Asociación civil Luchemos por la vida” and others), or mixed; with trainers, teaching materials/simulations and appropriate guidelines or guidelines, will allow teachers at initial, primary and secondary levels to tell, articulate and activate pedagogical proposals and materials, specially designed to address prevention and road safety, starting with the entry and exit to their educational facilities, of course.
The latter must naturally be integrated and complemented with the permanent training and awareness of all officials and public servants who carry out preventive road control and inspection tasksthis in order to offer precise theoretical-practical tools, unifying and standardizing criteria and sanctions for such a delicate task in question.
Finally, and with lateral thinking, in a gradual, gradual and cooperative way, progress in education and road safety would be achieved with school and municipal institutional responsibility, gradually decompressing too much social annoyance, potentially dangerous, irritating and violent, that this chaotic educational environment has been causing and producing incrementally and unfairly for third partieswith an undesirable catalog of reproaches, objections and bad examples of parents to their children, precisely and antononymously for these schoolchildren in the full formative stage.
* Expert in Cooperatives from Coneau.
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