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According to specialized media, Instagram plans to launch an application called Bolt that would capture some of Snapchat‘s users.

Instagram or Snapchat: which will take the throne? (Photo: TAKEN FROM ELCOLOMBIANO.COM/VANGUARDIA LIBERAL)

Instagram or Snapchat: which will take the throne? (Photo: TAKEN FROM ELCOLOMBIANO.COM/VANGUARDIA LIBERAL)

After the boom that instant messaging and interaction with photos on Facebook and WhatsApp once had, social media users are beginning to migrate to new platforms that allow for more dynamic and personalized contact. Although Instagram and Snapchat have been in the app stores for quite some time, it was this year that they became established as serious competitors to the social media giants.

On the one hand, Instagram has established itself as a viral photo messaging platform. which has even gone so far as to position the titles of its filters as options for naming the children of the new generations of millennials. Currently, the platform supports photos and videos of up to 16 seconds, and was one of the first to establish hashtags or labels.

The vintage filter app launched in 2010 has 400 million active users per month and more than two million photos per day. According to figures from the consulting firm eMarketer, if its growth continues steadily, by 2019 Instagram will have more than 50 percent of social media users, which would put it 7 times more than Facebook and 30 times more than Twitter.

While Snapchat, originally intended for sexting (sex via chat), The app took advantage of its “lack of memory” to become popular among the more discreet. The app allows users to take photos, videos, send messages and even draw in real time and with no time limit, a point against Instagram. Most of its users belong to Generation Z, aged between 13 and 16.

The ghost network that became popular just over a year agowhich has been operating for 5 years, is the one with the most encouraging figures for 2016: a 50 percent annual increase in its 200 million users, surpassing Instagram for 2017, according to BigFoot: “Conceptual language, immediacy, nonsensical humor and mashup logic are the key to standing out on such a platform,” adds the advanced research strategy agency, BigFoot, describing the key to Snapchat’s growth.

The agency’s study also revealed that despite the growth of its competitors, Facebook remains in the number one spot in 2015, with 81 percent coverage of the social media universe, followed by Instagram with 46 percent, Twitter with 38 percent, Pinterest with 34 percent and Tumblr with 14 percent presence on mobile devices.

**Instagram or Snapchat: Which Will Take the Throne?**

Instagram or Snapchat: ‌Which Will Take the Throne?

The world of social media has ​been buzzing with the rise of Instagram and Snapchat as two of the most popular platforms among users. With the increasing competition, the ​question‍ on everyone’s mind ‌is: which will take ‍the throne?

Understanding the Target Audience

Both Instagram and Snapchat have ⁣a⁣ similar target audience, with Snapchat focusing ‍mainly⁤ on 18-24-year-olds, while Instagram’s reach extends beyond that age group​ [[1]]. ​However,‌ Snapchat has managed‍ to create a niche ⁤for itself among the younger generation, particularly Generation Z, aged between‍ 13 and ⁤16 [[4]].

Key Features and Strengths

Instagram, launched in 2010, ‌has established itself as a viral photo messaging platform with over 400 million active users per month and more than⁢ two‍ million photos per day [[4]]. Its‌ vintage filter app has become a favorite among users,‌ with the titles of its filters even being ⁤used as names for children. Instagram‌ was also one of ‍the first to introduce hashtags or labels, making it easy for users to discover and connect⁢ with similar content.

On‌ the other hand, Snapchat, originally intended for sexting, took advantage of its “lack of memory” to become popular among the more discreet. The app allows‌ users to take photos, videos, send messages, and even draw⁤ in real-time with ‌no time⁣ limit, a feature that sets it apart⁤ from Instagram [[4]].

Numbers and Projections

According to figures from⁢ the consulting firm eMarketer, Instagram’s growth is expected ​to continue steadily, with predictions that by 2019, it will have ⁣more⁢ than 50% of social media users, putting it 7 ⁤times ⁤more than Facebook and ​30 times more than Twitter [[4]]. Snapchat, on⁤ the other hand, has seen a 50% annual⁤ growth‍ rate in 2016, making it a strong competitor [[4]].

The Rise ​of Bolt

In recent news, Instagram plans to launch an application called Bolt, which is expected to capture some of Snapchat’s⁣ users. This move could potentially shake things up and give Snapchat ‍a run for its money.


So, which ​will take the throne? While both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, ‌it’s clear that they cater to different aspects of social media users’ needs. Instagram’s focus on‍ visual storytelling ⁤and Snapchat’s ⁢ephemeral content are ‌two distinct approaches that ‍appeal to different demographics. Ultimately,‌ the throne ​will be decided by the users ‌themselves, as they continue to explore and engage with these platforms.





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Instagram or Snapchat: Which Will Take the Throne?

The world of social media has been buzzing with the rise of Instagram and Snapchat as two of the most popular platforms among users. With the increasing competition, the question on everyone’s mind is: which will take the throne?

Understanding the Target Audience

Both Instagram and Snapchat have a similar target audience, with Snapchat focusing mainly on 18-24-year-olds, while Instagram’s reach extends beyond that age group [[1]]. However, Snapchat has managed to create a niche for itself among the younger generation, particularly Generation Z, aged between 13 and 16 [[4]].

Key Features and Strengths

Instagram, launched in 2010, has established itself as a viral photo messaging platform with over 400 million active users per month and more than two million photos per day [[4]]. Its vintage filter app has become a favorite among users, with the titles of its filters even being used as names for children. Instagram was



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