Clara Guatame Resignation: Implications for Colombia’s Mining-Energy Industry and Potential Successor

2023-06-01 12:42:22

07:34 AM

In nine months of the Petro government a third official, key to mining-energy issues, leaves his post. This time it is regarding Clara Guatame, president of the National Hydrocarbons Agency, who in the last few hours was asked for a letter of resignation.

The request was made by the Minister of Mines and Energy, Irene Vélezwho made the decision for various reasons, including the recent report on oil and natural gas reserves, which in addition to causing discomfort within the hydrocarbon sector, also generated them in high government.

It should be remembered that, at the end of the 2022 oil operation, oil reserves they dropped from 7.6 years in 2021 to 7.5 years, and those for natural gas from 8 years in 2021 to 7.2 years.

Days following Guatame will present the aforementioned report at the annual congress of the Colombian Natural Gas Association (Naturgas)not only Minister Vélez, but other senior officials of weight within the Executive, such as the Minister of Finance, Ricardo Bonilla, indicated that both records should be reviewed.

For this reason, the head of the finance portfolio, announced that a new report will be presented in six months in which contingent or prospective resources would be added to the proven oil and gas reserves, as long as they can be converted to reserves or not.

For the country’s oil sector, the addition to the remnants for both energy sources, from contingent or prospective resources, It is not a matter of weeks or months, and, on the contrary, it takes years, since to establish whether they can be proven reserves, a large amount of seismic and drilling of exploration wells is needed to establish with certainty, detail and effectiveness the extraction power of the reservoir. And the international price of oil also plays a part in this task.

Minister Bonilla assured that with this new report it will be determined if the country definitely needs sign new exploration contracts.

But although this is the reason for weight to request the letter of resignation from the still president of the Agencythe Petro Government also has others who joined to make the request, just six months following Guatame took office.

For the Executive, in addition to have little knowledge of the industry and little management to carry out the issues that are the responsibility of the Agencythe official was away from the tasks of the sector.

The above draws attention if it is taken into account that Guatame had already been an official in the entity as technical vice president in charge and manager of technical information and knowledge. Another of the government’s reasons is that it did not have a high level of proactivity with the country’s hydrocarbons industry.

possible successor

Although it is not official, within the country’s oil sector indicate that the possible successor to Guatame would be Andrés Camacho, electrical engineer and graduate in Physics from the Francisco José de Caldas District University. He has a master’s degree in Energy Administration and its Renewable Sources from the Tecnológico de Monterrey), and is a doctoral candidate in engineering from the District.

He has 10 years of experience in the field of engineering in technology, mathematics and administration, in the planning, execution and supervision of projects. He has also been a university professor.

Camacho Morales, who has been an advisor to Minister Vélez for 10 months, following being part of the Legislative Technical Unit (UTL) of Senator María José Pizarro.

His name causes discomfort in the oil sector, since in addition to not having held any position in the sectoradds his ideas regarding the operation of hydrocarbons.

#Government #removes #president #Clara #Guatame #National #Hydrocarbons #Agency



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