Civilian-military cooperation exercise “Trust 2023” will be held in southwestern Lithuania

As reported by the Lithuanian army, the exercises will take place in the municipalities of Šilutė, Pagėgiai, Tauragė, Jurbarkas, and Šakiai districts.

As announced, the exercise is focused on preparing to counter hybrid threats and training soldiers to operate in a civilian environment. In these exercises, in cooperation with civil authorities, the soldiers of the Ground Forces units will train to plan and execute information operations tasks according to established procedures.

The exercise will also aim to assess the readiness of the Civilian-Military Cooperation Squad of the Non-Kinetic Operations Company of the National Defense Volunteer Forces to be on duty in the NATO readiness initiative in 2024.

A total of about 200 Lithuanian soldiers, as well as soldiers from Estonia, Latvia, Poland and the United States of America, will participate in the training.

The exercise will be conducted simulating the situation of an international conflict, in which pre-formed groups of military specialists will assess the civilian environment and its influence on military operations in the assigned areas of responsibility, plan and carry out information actions.

As reported, the soldiers will improve their communication skills with important persons, representatives of civil institutions and organizations, local residents, prepare informational reports, and train to respond to various incidents. Soldiers will use military equipment in the exercise. Dummy ammunition and pyrotechnics will not be used.

Exercise “Trust” will be held for the eleventh time this year. Each year, these exercises take place in a different region of Lithuania.

#Civilianmilitary #cooperation #exercise #Trust #held #southwestern #Lithuania
2024-08-01 23:15:44



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