Civil Service Entrance Selection and Civil Service Schools Must Be Clean and Transparent – 2024-07-23 11:22:04

Implementation of selection for civil service schools (MI)

SELECTION of employee recruitment and civil service schools is an annual agenda of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). By emphasizing the principles of clean and transparent, Kemenkumham has reopened the selection of Prospective Cadets (Catar) for the Immigration Polytechnic (Poltekim) and the Correctional Science Polytechnic (Poltekip) for the 2024 Fiscal Year.

Head of the Human Resources Bureau (HR) of the Secretariat General Supartono emphasized that the implementation of a selection free from extortion is a priority. He explained that the Ministry of Law and Human Rights always prioritizes transparency and instills it in all employees.

“All Poltekim and Poltekip candidates who pass the administration and take part in the Basic Competency Selection (SKD) stage must go through all stages honestly and become superior candidates,” said Supartono during the SKD activity for Prospective Cadets (Catar) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights at the BKN Center, recently.

Supartono also reminded selection participants to make good use of this opportunity and not be influenced by negative information.

“I ask that you focus on working on the test questions, pray, and remain confident in achieving your goal of becoming a Kemenkumham cadet,” he stressed.

He added that the opportunity to join the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is still open until the interview stage.

Also read: How to Check the Results of the Administrative Selection and Complete Schedule for the 2024 BUMN Joint Recruitment Flow

“Use your time wisely and hopefully you can achieve maximum marks and become part of the Kemenkumham family,” said Supartono.

In line with Supartono, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, R. Andika Prasetya, also emphasized that this selection is open, clean, and free.

“Don’t be influenced by parties who promise to pass. This selection is free from extortion,” Andika stressed.

Also read: Competing for 1,563 Positions, Kemenkumham PPPK Candidates Take Competency Selection

Andika also expressed his gratitude to the participants who had chosen the Kemenkumham civil service school.

“Thank you for your trust in Kemenkumham. We are proud that you want to join this extraordinary ministry,” Andika concluded.

In addition, the implementation of the selection process for prospective employees and cadets at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights civil service schools uses the Clean Recruitment Application (ABR). ABR was developed by Reza Adityas Ananda from the Human Resources Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in 2023 to create a clean, transparent, and fraud-free recruitment process.

ABR is able to detect jockeying practices, as evidenced by the arrest of 11 jockeys in the 2023 selection in 4 selection regions. The presence of ABR is expected to make the recruitment process for employees and civil service schools more transparent, objective, and free from fraud. (Z-10)

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