City Leaders Visit Naval Stationed in Yao to Celebrate Army Day and Strengthen Military Development

2023-07-21 13:37:00

The “August 1st” Army Day is coming, and with the deep friendship of the people of the city, on the afternoon of July 21st, Fu Guirong, Lin Zhenyu, Yu Feng, Lu Le, Zhu Guangxu and other city leaders made a special trip to a naval stationed in Yao to visit and condolences to the officers and soldiers of the army, express their deep love for each other, and jointly seek military development.

On behalf of the four teams of the city and the people of the city, Fu Guirong, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, expressed his heartfelt thanks and high respect to the officers and soldiers who have cared about and supported Yuyao’s economic and social development for a long time, and introduced the economic and social development of Yuyao. He said that all along, officers and soldiers of the troops stationed in Yao have carried forward the glorious tradition of supporting the government and caring for the people, and have taken the lead in supporting local construction, emergency rescue and disaster relief, and bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities, making positive contributions to the development of Yuyao. It is hoped that the officers and soldiers will continue to carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of work, and contribute to Yuyao’s economic development and social stability. The municipal party committee and the municipal government will also fully support and serve the construction of the army, continue to deepen the joint construction of mutual support, and promote the coordinated development of the military and the local government.

The head of the troops stationed in Yao expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government for their care and support for national defense construction and military modernization over the years. He expressed that he would inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of supporting the government and caring for the people.

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