City Councilor for Culture Kaup-Hasler on the death of Elisabeth Trissenaar | City vienna

2024-01-15 15:43:06

Vienna (OTS) – “The female roles played by Elisabeth Trissenaar read like a catalog of dramatic world literature, from Sophocles to Goethe, from Kleist, Strindberg, Ibsen to Wedekind and Garcia Lorca: Miss Julie, Nora, Hedda Gabler, Medea, Iphigenia, Electra, Penthesilea. Elfriede Jelinek even wrote a piece specifically for her,” says Vienna’s City Councilor for Culture Veronica Kaup-Hasler in response to the news of the death of the great actress from Vienna. “‘Die Trissenaar’ gave these dramatic, large female figures a body, a voice – daring and with furious force and subtle irony, searching not for the everyday, but for the strange in the self of these border crossers.”

“Elisabeth Trissenaar had a close, decades-long living and working relationship with Hans Neuenfels, whom she met at the Max Reinhardt Seminar. As an actress, she shaped the entire German-speaking theater scene and sparked a love for this art form in many,” says Kaup-Hasler. “Her work on the film will also remain unforgettable, particularly her collaboration with Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Her ability to portray characters with tenderness and strength in a captivating mixture becomes noticeable here.”

In 1995 Elisabeth Trissenaar was awarded the Kainz Medal.

Questions & Contact:

Judith Staudinger
Media spokesperson StRin Mag.a Veronica Kaup-Hasler
+43 1 4000 – 811 69
[email protected]

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