City Councilor for Culture Kaup-Hasler on the death of composer and music critic Walter Arlen | PID press

2023-09-04 18:49:05

Vienna (OTS) “With Walter Arlen we not only lose a pioneer and composer of modernism in American exile, but also a remarkable contemporary witness who – persecuted and expelled by the National Socialists – always campaigned for reconciliation in establishing dialogue. For us and for generations to come, Arlen, who always said of himself “I am a Viennese”, has also become a moral authority and voice of contemporary witnesses,” emphasizes Vienna’s City Councilor for Culture, Veronica Kaup-Hasler.

“The later music critic and composer, who was expelled from Vienna, made a significant contribution to the spread and exchange of Austrian musical tradition. The continuous exchange with his hometown, for example with the association, made a significant contribution to ensuring that the past and memories are not lost,” Kaup-Hasler recalls. “He once again demonstrated generosity and solidarity when he handed over his legacy to the Vienna City Library in 2011. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.”

Walter Arlen received the Gold Medal of Merit from the State of Vienna in 2011 and the Golden Rathausmann in 2015.

Questions & contact:

Anne Katrin Fessler
Media spokeswoman StRin Mag.a Veronica Kaup-Hasler
+43 1 4000 – 811 91

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